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“God Rick, yes! Jesus… ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod. Rick, don’t stop! I’m—”

She shattered beneath him, her tight pussy pulsing around his fingers. Rick continued licking her until she begged him to stop.

“Please, please, stop. I need you to fuck me, Rick.”

He climbed up on top of her, teasing her again by sliding his cock across her sensitive folds.

“Now!” Quinn head snapped up to meet his gaze, her eyes blazing with carnal need. She gripped the hair at the base of his neck and pulled, just enough for him to feel a sting of pain that made blood thunder to his already hard as steel cock.

“I quite like this demanding side of you, doll.” Rick smirked as he lifted his hips, lining himself up with her opening. In one deep thrust, he was in as far as he could go, his balls slapping against her ass.

Rick plunged in and out quickly a few more times before lowering down on top of Quinn, bracing himself on his forearms. She pulled his head down for a kiss, a kiss so passionate Rick felt sparks of electricity tingle down his spine to his groin.

“God, I need you,” he whispered against her lips as he moved slowly, torturously against her.

Her amber eyes conveyed everything she could possibly say. Was it love? Lust? Whatever it was, it was a connection greater than any he’d ever felt before. Quinn shifted and Rick sensed her body stiffening up. She wrapped her legs around his waist, urging him to go faster by digging her heels into his ass.

“Fuck, I’m close doll. I need you to come for me.” Rick ground his teeth together, attempting to hold back his orgasm, a trickle of sweat running down the center of his back. He knew she was almost there again already. Her breath was coming fast from parted lips, and her eyes were glazed over and nearly rolling back in her head.

“Rick—” A deep, throaty moan escaped as her back arched up off the couch.

“Fuck. Holy—fuck, fuck… Jesus, Quinn.”

Quinn convulsed around him, squeezing his cock tight. He threw his head back and thrust deep twice more, his body jerking as he came long and loud.

Exhausted, Rick pressed his forehead to Quinn’s. She pushed his sweaty hair back with her hands, gently raking her nails across his scalp.

“I— that was amazing.” Her voice was small, no more than a soft sigh, as she lay loose and relaxed beneath him.

Rick wrapped his arms around Quinn’s small body, hugging her tight. “Everything you do is amazing.” Pulling back, he grinned as he met her gaze. “What do you think? Want to get a shower?”

Quinn’s mouth twisted into a mischievous smirk. “Only if you’re in there with me.”

“I think I can manage that.” He winked. “I have to warn you, we might not get very clean.

As he helped her off of the couch and they made their way into the bathroom, Rick couldn’t remember a time when he had ever felt so content. Maybe he should have said the words… told Quinn he loved her. Selfishly, he didn’t want to ruin what they had. He knew his job—the lying, the danger, the travel— plus his own fear of settling down, would eventually become a problem for them. Rick pushed the dark thoughts to the back of his mind, deciding he could worry about the details another day.

Chapter 11

Jesus it’s hot in here.

Quinn blinked slowly, her eyelids heavy with sleep. The room was stifling. She could feel sweat beading up between her shoulder blades as she lay on her stomach.

When she tried to prop herself up on an elbow, something heavy was pressing her down into the bed. Quinn shifted to see Rick sleeping peacefully next to her, one heavily muscled leg and arm thrown over her back, keeping her pinned to his boiling hot side.

She couldn’t help but smile when she thought about last night, how they made love on the couch and again in the shower. Quinn had no idea sex could feel so good, be so powerful of a connection between two people. Hell, her only previous experience had been with Travis, and he had never made her feel that way. Usually he made her feel like a useless slut. Last night was the first time anyone had ever gone down on her, and it was freaking amazing.

Quinn realized how idiotic she must look, grinning at Rick as he slept. Unbidden, her mind recalled an image from last night in the shower, and despite the heat a shiver ran down her spine. She frowned at one particular memory.

Quinn drank in the sight before her as the showerhead rained water down on Rick’s muscular physique. After holding her up against the tile wall and fucking her in the steamy heat until she nearly passed out, he had tenderly washed every inch of her body.

Now, Quinn was eagerly anticipating her chance to return the favor, eager to get her hands on his body. She poured some of Rick’s body wash into her palm, rubbing it across his broad chest until it turned into thick, fragrant foam that smelled just like him.

“Your hands feel so good, doll.” Rick was practically purring as she ran her greedy fingers over each rock hard muscle.

“You’re perfect,” she murmured, working her way down his defined abs.

When Quinn got to those delicious ‘v’ shaped muscles that pointed straight down towards his gorgeous cock, she choked, her eyes wide. Coughing, Quinn struggled to catch her breath.

Tags: Heather C. Leigh Ricochet Romance