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“I don’t understand. What does that have to do with your brothers?”

Rick swirled the half empty bottle in front of his mouth before taking another sip. Quinn watched his throat work, his Adam’s apple bobbing as it swallowed the beer down.

“I guess I don’t like who he raised us to be. Talking to my brothers makes me realize that I’m the same as them, a selfish, uncaring asshole. Well, one brother may have broken the mold, the jury’s still out.”

Quinn put her mug of Irish coffee down on the end table so she could put her hands on Rick’s firm thigh. “You are not selfish or uncaring, Rick. Why would you think that?”

Again he shrugged. Quinn was baffled. No way would she ever have dreamed that cocky, self-assured Rick thought so poorly of himself.

She grabbed his rough, battle-scarred hands and brought them to her lips, kissing gently over the bumps and indentations earned in the ring. “You are one of the most generous, honorable men I’ve ever met.” Ignoring the scoffing noise he made, she continued, “You offered to drive a girl you didn’t know to the grocery store, you took me to the mall and made sure I got home okay, you enlisted in the Marines and fought for your country until you couldn’t anymore… explain to me how that makes you selfish?”

Rick was closer now, his lips just inches from hers, their combined hands between them. Quinn let go, putting her hands back down on his muscular thighs, squeezing them so he knew she was listening.

“You didn’t know me before, Quinn. I was a different man than the one you see now. I took what,” he cleared his throat, “who I wanted without guilt or shame. I didn’t think of anyone else’s feelings but my own. I did things not caring who would be left behind to pick up the pieces.” Rick swallowed hard, his brilliant blue eyes locked on hers. “It’s you. You make me different. You make me want to be better than the man I was raised to be, the men my brothers became.” Rick’s hands came up to cup the sides of Quinn’s face, his thumbs gently stroking her blush-stained cheeks. “I don’t know how this happened, or why, but… there’s something about you, Quinn. Something that makes me feel things I didn’t ever expect to feel.”

Quinn’s mouth dropped open. She was speechless at Rick’s honesty. Once she finally figured out how to stop gaping and make noise, all that came out was a strangled, gurgling sound.

Rick closed his eyes, his lips pressed together as if in pain. “It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way, Quinn.” His blue eyes opened, refocusing on her with a look so adoring that it touched the deepest, most damaged recesses of Quinn’s heart.

“I—I do, Rick. I’m not sure what it is, but I feel it too,” she whispered, her breath hitching in her chest.

Their declarations ignited something deep inside Quinn, something she hadn’t felt… well, ever, certainly not with Travis. The glowing embers of desire that had been burning in her since she arrived at Rick’s condo, flamed up into a roaring blaze of frantic need.

Grasping her by the waist, Rick easily pulled Quinn onto his lap. With a groan, their mouths met in a hot, messy tangle of tongues and teeth, impatient and full of raw hunger. When they parted, Quinn inhaled a deep breath, biting her bottom lip and moaning as Rick savagely attacked the sensitive skin of her neck, sucking and nipping his way down to her shoulder.

Rick’s hands found the hem of her shirt, yanking it up and over her head. Quinn stood up, hurriedly shedding the rest of her clothes, desperate for skin-on-skin contact. She grabbed his shirt, impatiently pulling it off, then attacked his belt and jeans. Rick lifted his hips off the couch so she could shove them down and out of the way.

Naked, Quinn slid to the ground between Rick’s thighs, staring at his stiff cock, jutting up from his lap, the swollen head shining with pre-cum. She wanted to do this, more than she ever thought she would. Wanted to taste him, to make him scream, to make him writhe and beg. With Travis, forcing her to do this was the worst kind of violation and he knew it. He used it to control her. Not this time.

Today, she was going to exorcise the ghosts of her past by giving this man an amazing blowjob and loving it.

Meeting Rick’s glazed eyes, she licked her lips and eagerly swallowed him down.

Rick watched Quinn go to her knees without a stitch of clothing on, licking her lips and staring at his cock like it was her favorite meal and she was fucking starving. He nearly came when her mouth opened wide and engulfed him, her tight heat swallowing him down to the base.

“Holy fuck!” His hips jerked on the couch and it took all of his concentration not to thrust up and gag her. “Jesus, doll.” He let out a low hiss between his teeth as she tightened her lips around his cock and sucked—hard.

Quinn moaned as she took Rick deep again, sending toe-curling vibrations down into his groin, drawing his balls up tight. He could feel the head of his cock nudge the back of her throat and nearly exploded. About to burst from her talented mouth, Rick gently pushed her away. Quinn released his cock and looked up at him, her red lips swollen and shiny with saliva.

“Did I do something wrong?” The insecure look on her face nearly broke him.

Rick pulled her up onto his lap to straddle him, sliding a hand behind her neck. “No, you did something right. I was about to come, and when that happens, I want to be buried inside of you.”

He flipped them so Quinn was beneath him on the couch. She lifted her hips instinctually as he teasingly slid his cock over her wet pussy.

“Rick, I need you inside me… please.” He didn’t think it was possible, but his dick got even harder when Quinn begged.

“Not yet, doll. This time, I want to go slow. I want to taste you.”

Rick grasped the back of her thighs, pushing them back and hooking them over his shoulders. He took in the sight in front of him, Quinn spread out as he lay between her legs, her breaths coming fast and loud, her small breasts moving as her chest rose and fell.

“So fucking beautiful.”

Rick flattened his tongue and took a long, slow swipe over her pussy, savoring the sweet taste. He gently sucked her clit into his mouth, then swirled the tip of his tongue around it. Quinn let out a muffled string of words and groans that had his cock harder than it had ever been in his life.

“Don’t hold back, Quinn. I want to hear you scream.”

He thrust one finger into her depths and curled it forward. Rick knew he found the right spot when Quinn began to thrash on the couch, her moans getting louder and louder. Adding a second finger, Rick slid his tongue back over her clit, latching on and flicking it until she was screaming for release.

Tags: Heather C. Leigh Ricochet Romance