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She broke the kiss with a gasp, sitting up straight on his lap. Bracing her hands on her chest, Quinn’s wide eyes locked onto Rick’s.

His responses to her touch made her feel sexy and powerful. “Are you ready for me to ride you?” she rasped.

Rick’s mouth fell open at her uncharacteristically vulgar words. “Holy shit, god yes. Fuck, Quinn. Do it.” His eyes were wild with desire, the pupils so large she could barely make out the turquoise.

Rick bent his knees, putting his feet flat on the floor for leverage. He gripped her waist with his large hands, more than ready for her to move.

Quinn leaned back and closed her eyes, shifting slowly at first, grinding the tiny bundle of nerves that made up the epicenter of her pleasure down hard on Rick’s pelvis. She wanted to draw out this moment, make it last forever, but it was too much, yet not enough at the same time. Quinn had to have more.

“Rick, oh my god... you feel so good.” She moaned and writhed, picking up speed as the friction on her clit sent spasms rocketing through her. Every time her hips came down, the head of Rick’s cock drew across a sensitive spot deep inside her, making Quinn’s legs shake and causing an immense pleasure to quickly build inside her body.

As the sensations intensified, her rhythm began to falter. Sensing her inability to keep up the pace, Rick took over, lifting her up with his hands then slamming her down on his cock as his hips thrust off of the floor. Quinn continued using her fatigued leg muscles to elevate her body up and down on his hard shaft, coming almost all the way off before crashing back down, driving his engorged cock deeper and deeper inside each time.

“Quinn, I can’t— I’m gonna come, doll.” Rick squeezed his eyes shut, concentrating on holding back his orgasm, needing Quinn to come first.

“Rick, I’m there with you, don’t stop.” Biting his lip, Rick continued the fast pace, using his arm strength to slam her down on his cock over and over again. When Quinn’s moans turned into one long, loud wail, he held her down and ground his hips up into her clit, sending her careening over the edge.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, Rick! Fuck me hard!”

Quinn’s filthy mouth did him in. Rick thrust up one final time and her slick pussy convulsed around him. A flood of heat burst from his balls, jetting out in mind-blowing wave after mind-blowing wave as a string of obscenities tore from his throat.

Making sure Quinn wouldn’t fall over, Rick let go of her waist, his tired arms flopping to his sides. He didn’t think he had ever come that hard in his life.

Quinn shuddered one last time and collapsed on his sweaty chest, her hair spread out over his body in a soft cascade. Rick folded his arms around her back, hugging her tight and dipped his head to steal a quick kiss.

Rick gently turned them until they were lying side by side on the thick carpet. When he slipped out of her, he heard her whimper softly. It took a moment for them to recover, then Quinn spoke.

“I’m clean Rick. In case you were wondering.”

“What?” he answered, his voice husky with sleep.

“I mean, we didn’t use a condom, so I’m telling you that I’m safe.”

“What!” Rick repeated, sitting up quickly, his expression horrified. “Holy shit,” he whispered. He let his head thump back down on the floor, staring at the ceiling in disbelief. If there was one thing the Marines, his dad, and his two brothers taught him, it was that you wrapped it up. Every. Single. Time.

Quinn ran a hand up his arm, tugging him back down to the floor. Reluctantly, he acquiesced, taking her back in his arms.

“I’m on birth control. The implant they put in your arm. It’s fine.”

She didn’t mention how she went behind Travis’s back and got the implant done shortly after they were married and his true nature reared its hideous head. No way was she going to have a baby with a man like him. After she left him, she was tested for STD’s at the women’s shelter. Quinn assumed he had been cheating on her throughout the duration of their marriage. When he would get mad at her, which was often, he would allude to having sex with other women. Whether it was all talk to hurt her or whether it was real, Quinn didn’t know or care. She was just grateful he didn’t give her an incurable disease.

“Crap. I’m sorry Quinn. I didn’t even think about it. I’m clean too. Mack does physicals on us all the time. Jesus, I’m such an asshole.”

“Hey!” Quinn snapped. “You’re not an asshole.” She stared him down, refusing to look away. “We were both a little caught up in the moment, okay?” She couldn’t help the smirk that pulled at her lips, thinking about their uncontrollable passion.

Rick scrubbed a hand down his face and sighed. “Yeah. I’m good. Better than good actually.” He looked around the room, clothes scattered everywhere, and smiled. “Want to get off of the floor? My ass is numb.”

Together, they laughed, walking hand in hand to the bedroom. As they snuggled up together under the covers and she was safe in the cocoon of Rick’s arms, Quinn decided that this time, she wasn’t going anywhere. She was right where she belonged, and nothing had ever felt so good.

Chapter 9

Rick woke up a few hours later, the sun still shining brightly in the mid-August afternoon sky. He panicked for a brief second, certain that he would find Quinn gone again. When he felt her warm body shift next to him in bed, his racing heart slowed back down.

She’s here. With me. Lying in my arms.

He couldn’t stop the wide grin that spread across his face. She stayed with him, and not only did she not run away, they had earth shattering, life-altering sex. Rick felt his cock swelling again just from the memory.

Being careful not to disturb Quinn, Rick slipped out from under the covers to use the bathroom. When he came back into the room, he stopped next to the bed to get his visual fill of Quinn’s unparalleled beauty. With her asleep, he could ogle as much as he wanted without her knowing how obsessed he was with anything and everything about her.

Tags: Heather C. Leigh Ricochet Romance