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Without a doubt, I fucking love her.

Quinn opened the door, turning to say good-bye. This time, Rick wasn’t going to let her push him away. There would be no more keeping him at arm’s length. He loved her, and he wasn’t going to give up. Pride be damned, he’d fucking grovel on his knees if that’s what it took.

Rick inhaled a deep breath and moved into the apartment, forcing Quinn to step back so he could fit through the doorway.

“Rick, what—”

Done with the bullshit dance they’d been doing, he silenced Quinn by crushing his mouth over hers, spinning them until her back hit the partially open door, slamming it closed. Rick pressed his weight against her, pinning her soft body against the thick slab of wood as he dominated her, thrusting his denim-covered cock against her abdomen. He could sense the exact moment Quinn stopped fighting, giving herself over to the pleasure. Her tense muscles relaxed and her mouth joined in, yet she allowed Rick to control the kiss.

Lips and teeth mashed together brutally, Rick’s tongue plunging into the depths of her mouth. This wasn’t a gentle kiss meant to be romantic. No, it was a rough display of possessiveness, of pent up desire. It was all of Rick’s love and anguish coming out in one overwhelming display of need and power.

He slid his arms around Quinn’s waist, gripping her round backside and pressing his fingers deep into the soft flesh. He tugged her hips forward, grinding their groins together almost painfully. Quinn moaned into Rick’s mouth, her desperate sounds acting like gasoline on the fire roaring through his body.

“Fuck, doll.”

His hands felt their way down from her ass to her thighs, finding the hem of her dress. Rick yanked it up and off, the material breaking their kiss for a moment as he threw it over his shoulder.

Scrabbling for a handhold, Quinn raked her nails down Rick’s ripped torso to his waist, hurriedly unbuttoning his jeans. She shoved them down to his knees along with his briefs as he continued his assault on her mouth. His thick cock fell out of its restrictive confines, pointing proudly up and out. Groaning with relief, Rick pulled off his own shirt, and then quickly pushed his pants down the rest of the way, discarding them and his shoes. He seized the sides of Quinn’s miniscule scrap of underwear and tugged, easily ripping them at the seam.

Both naked and desperate, they crashed back together, hot skin sliding against hot skin, hands grabbing onto whatever it flesh came in contact with. Rick lifted Quinn up and tilted her back, effortlessly lowering them both to the area rug next to the door.

“Oh God, Rick…”

Completely out of control and unable to slow down, Rick thrust deep into her, cursing as her wet heat stretched to accommodate his harsh intrusion, gripping his cock in its tight confines.

“So fucking perfect,” he grunted.

Quinn clung to his broad shoulders, hooking her legs around his waist and locking them at the ankles. It felt as if she couldn’t get close enough to him, wanted to become a part of him, to crawl up inside and live under his skin. She whimpered, a half-moaning half-wailing sound that he found unbearable sexy, upping his need to uncontainable levels.

Rick rolled his hips violently, bucking into Quinn over and over as they rutted like animals on the floor. The noises coming from them both were loud and primal and completely uninhibited.

“Ungh! Jesus, Quinn…. Shit, fuck, fuck, fuck!”

Without warning, Quinn shoved hard off the ground and rolled them over, sitting astride Rick with a wicked smile on her face. Somehow, he knew he was in for the ride of his life, and he couldn’t fucking wait.

Quinn had no idea how this happened. One minute, the air between her and Rick was tense and uncomfortable. The next minute, sparks were flying and she found herself at the mercy of his hard body as he pinned her against the door.

Their chemistry was explosive, both of them going at it as if they would never have sex again. It was hedonistic and raw, and Quinn loved every single second of it. It was filled with passion and emotion, not the violent punishment Travis used to give her.

Rick had her down on the living room floor before she could blink, fucking her so hard she thought they might break through the ceiling of the gym below and crash down into the training area. Hearing Rick’s enthusiastic shouts and growls as he thrust into her, gave her the courage to do something she’d never done before— assert herself during sex.

Because Rick was so intent on pounding her right through the hardwoods and sending up a litany of curses, he wasn’t paying enough attention to stop her from pushing off with one foot, turning them over until she was straddling his hips. They both froze. Quinn gazed down at his beautiful body, his defined pecs heaving, his turquoise eyes flashing with lust, his pale pink lips ope

n as he tried to catch his breath. He was stunning.

She ran her eyes over every inch of that beautiful torso, from his wide shoulders down to his rippling abs. “You look amazing,” she whispered. Quinn expected him to grin at her complement, or at least give her one of his cocky comebacks. But he stayed silent, his eyes glazed over with lust and his mouth parted as he panted with need.

The fact that Rick could easily overpower her, but allowed her to take control, made the whole scene even more erotic. The fact that he trusted her enough to let her direct their lovemaking just like she trusted him not to hurt her physically was hands-down the sexiest thing she’d ever experienced.

Taking advantage of her position, Quinn slid her greedy hands over the hard ridges of his abs, tracing each one with her fingertips. Moving further up, she raked her thumbnails over the two copper disks on his chest, watching as they tightened under her touch. Bending down, Quinn laved her tongue over one, tugging on the pert nipple with her teeth.

“Shit!” Rick’s hips bucked up involuntarily, driving his thick cock deep into her. Smiling at his reaction, she trailed her mouth over to the other side, nibbling on his dark nipple until he was babbling incoherently, thrusting his pelvis up wildly.

“Jesus… doll. Shit, shit… don’t stop! Oh God. Oh God. Oh God.”

Quinn’s hair fell in a dark cascade around them as she licked her way up his salty, corded neck to the prominent Adam’s apple on his throat. Relishing the reactions she was drawing from Rick, Quinn latched on to it, sucking the stubble on his neck into her mouth, swirling her tongue over the sensitive skin. Quinn trembled when her breasts brushed lightly over Rick’s chest, stimulating the responsive skin. His hot masculine taste burst on her tongue, shooting streaks of pleasure so powerful down her spine that she contracted around his cock from the ecstasy.

“Holy fuck.” Rick’s breath was coming faster, his hips now moving of their own accord. She could feel the vibration of his voice in her mouth and it lit her up like a solar flare. More aroused than she’d ever been in her life, Quinn traveled further up, licking Rick’s swollen bottom lip, biting it lightly then latching her mouth onto his. He was thrashing beneath her, gripping her hips tightly, attempting to move her up and down on his cock.

Tags: Heather C. Leigh Ricochet Romance