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“Good luck, my lady,” the butler said, stepping forward and sliding a valise into the back of the curricle. Right now Anthony might want to strangle Lady Deerham, but he had a suspicion he could come to like her butler.

“You’re kidnapping me,” she said under her breath as Anthony grabbed the reins. His two fine chestnuts shook their harness until it jingled. They were as impatient to be on their way as he was.

“You wanted to come,” he grunted. “Now time is of the essence. We know the lads’ destination, but they’ve got miles to cover first.”

She directed a doubtful frown at his grip on the reins. That pricked at his vanity. She clearly fancied herself as a whip, although he couldn’t imagine this ethereal creature controlling much beyond a sleepy pony.

She’s controlled you, hasn’t she?

He ignored the snide voice in his mind and shouted to the footman holding his horses’ heads. “Let them go.”

“Godspeed, my lady,” the butler called as Anthony clattered off at a punishing rate, two runaways to find, and a sulky fairy princess fuming by his side.

Tags: Anna Campbell Dashing Widows Romance