Page 66 of Rogue Hearts

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“You’re cooking again? If you keep this up, you’re going to bruise my domestic ego.”

“No. I thought it be nice to go out tonight. Somewhere nice and overly expensive.”

“Overly expensive, huh?”

“Yeah. I hear some people like those places.”

That sounded like the perfect time to tell him her good news. “That sounds amazing. I can’t wait.” It also could be the place to finally give him the words he wanted to hear from her. Even though she knew how much she cared about him, a tiny part of her worried. He could always change his mind like her ex. There would always be that possibility of him leaving, but maybe

“Great. I’m sending a special package coming to you. Look out for it.”

She giggled. “What kind of package?”

“If I told you, it wouldn’t be special. Do you mind if I pick you up from work? Promise I’ll wait outside this time.”

It warmed her throughout that he respected her to ask. Maybe she did overthink things too much. Besides, Andrei was nothing like any of the men she dated. He was in a brand new category all to himself, and it was one that she could appreciate in the long run.

“Yes, you may come pick me up. I’d actually love that.”

“Good. I’ll see you at five-thirty.”

“I get off at five.”

“You’ll need time to use my gift.”

She bit her lip, curious as to what he was sending her way. “You better not be sending me something risqué, or I swear you’re going to get it when I get to your place.”

“Is that a promise?”

She leaned back in her chair. “You’re awful.”

“You won’t say that when you see my surprise. I promise you’ll like.” She heard someone call for him on his side of the phone. “I have to get to court. Promise me you’ll follow the directions.”

“What directions.”

“Just promise me.”

She had no clue what the hell he was talking about, but she was in a good mood. “Fine. I promise.”

“Good. I have to go. I love you.” He hung up before she got the chance to say it back. Before it had thrown her off guard and shocked her. Now, she felt bad that he’d felt so strongly about her and she’d given him no reason to think she even was thinking the same way.

It had taken her a bit to get over how quickly their relationship had happened. Sure, it wasn’t like regular relationships, but what was a regular relationship? If she was honest with herself, she’d never been in one, so it shouldn’t be odd for her to have another one.

She had lunch in her office with Rosalyn and Deedee, who were excited she decided to stay and curious at what Andrei was sending.

“I bet he’s sending you roses,” Deedee said.

Victoria thought back to when he brought her. “He’s already pulled that move. This seems different for some reason.”

A knock on the door interrupted them.

A delivery man stood in the doorway carrying a large box. “Delivery for Victoria Bellamy?” he said.

“That’s me.” Victoria went over and took the electronic board he handed her.

“Sign here please.”

She had to focus on signing her name, since she kept glancing over at the box in his hand. “Thank you,” she said when he handed it to her.

Tags: Alyse Zaftig Romance