Page 57 of Rogue Hearts

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“Thanks.” He took a last swig of his beer as the waitress brought out their food. “This reminds me. Your mother will be cooking that amazing food of hers, right?”

Andrei grinned. “Her feast is sure to happen. I’ll be sure to warn her you’re coming so we don’t end up with an empty table like we’ve been cleaned out by a plague of locusts.”

“Good deal.” Erik bit into his burger with a vengeance.

As Andrei ate, he at least appreciated knowing his friend would be there to have his back for family weekend.

Chapter 18


New York wasn’t the best city to drive in, so most people used taxis or public transportation. Victoria usually took a taxi to work because the subway was too crowded for her liking. She had been in one of Andrei’s cars before, but she was in too much pain before to actually appreciate it. The one they got in was different then the first. He opened the door of a fancy blue Rolls Royce convertible.

“This isn’t the same car you took me to the hospital in,” she said as she got inside. “I was hurting, but I’m sure I’d remember this one.”

He grinned as he got in the driver’s seat. “That was my city car. This is my country car.”

The seat molded to her and felt like the most comfortable seat she’d ever sat in. “You are definitely not a state lawyer. This is the private law lifestyle experience all the way.”

“What?” Andrei asked, starting the car up, which purred smoothly to life. “You don’t like my toys?”

“Let’s just say your toys take some getting used to.”

It felt so natural riding in the car with Andrei, and it gave her the picture of being a real couple with him. It was something she tried not to think too hard about before, but it was hard to ignore as the rode out of the city. Victoria could feel her stomach tie itself in knots as they set out to the Rusak family home. “Are you sure me coming will be okay?”

“Yes, why wouldn’t it be?” Andrei asked.

“I feel like I’m intruding.”

“You’re with me. They’ll be happy to have you there.”

“Are your parents going to make us sleep in separate rooms or something?”

“No, my parents are not traditional like that. If anyone tried to keep me from you, I promise I’d find a way to sneak into your room.”

She laughed. “I have no doubt you’d try.”

“Besides I think it’s too late to keep us from trying something.”

“I guess you’re right.” Victoria said. “Did you tell her about the baby?”

“Not yet. I wanted to wait and tell them with you.”

“What do you expect to say? ‘This is my girlfriend. Surprise. We’re pregnant?’”

“I didn’t exactly plan it out, but I think we can do it smoother than that. Everyone will be happy for us. That’s all that matters. My mom will be thrilled because she’ll have a new baby to spoil.”

“Did you tell them that I am black?” Victoria asked.

Andrei paused a while, then finally answered. “No.”

“That’s kind of important information to leave out. Now they’re getting two surprises.” The comfortable seat was starting to feel like a trap she couldn’t escape. She wiggled around a little, but she didn’t have anywhere to go.

“I didn’t want to make an issue about it. Something like that doesn’t matter to me or them.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“I’m sure once my family meets you and sees how happy you make me, it won’t matter to them. If anyone makes you feel uncomfortable, we will leave. All right? But that’s not going to happen. Have some faith in me.”

Tags: Alyse Zaftig Romance