Page 52 of Rogue Hearts

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“Victoria, eventually you’re going to have step back and let people help you sometimes. It doesn’t make you weak or any less capable, so can you stop fighting and just let me do this, Okay.”

She seemed too exhausted to fight him, so she said, “Okay.”

“Good. Now, about your next doctor’s appointment. Maybe you should consider going to my family’s office.”

“You mean your mother and sister’s practice?”

“Of course. They’re some of the best doctors in the state. I can at least feel more comfortable than when a man gets to see and touch places that are just for me.”

“You’ll be comfortable. I don’t think so. That is not happening. Ever. You already want me to meet your family. I’m not having your mother and sister probing me. Even thinking about that creeps me out. I can imagine the awkward dinner talk about birthing processes and vaginal health. That’s where I draw the line, Andrei.”

He started to say something, but she put a finger on his lips.

“You get one big change a week, mister. I took your key, so I’m keeping my doctor.”

He sighed but relented to her choice, since he didn’t want her handing his key back. If she tried giving that back, he’d find a way to sneak it back into her purse somehow. His woman wasn’t getting off that part easy. “Fine. When do you go back to the doctor? I’m coming with you.”

Her eyes widened. “You don’t have to do that.”

“I know I don’t have. I want to.

“I’m a big girl, Andrei. I don’t need you to go to my doctor appointments with me.”

Andrei pulled her close and kissed her, hard and certain so she could stop thinking so much. She tasted so warm and lovely that it was hard for him to stop kissing her, but he pulled her back. He enjoyed that dazed look she had on her face, and he loved it even more that he was responsible for putting it on there. “I’m coming, and that’s final. You can either give me the information now, or I’ll find out on my own, Victoria.” He grabbed his phone just to show that he wasn’t playing around. He’d never joke around when it came to her or their baby.

She told him, and he put it in his phone to make sure he wouldn’t forget. He wasn’t missing that appointment since he wanted to make sure the doctor knew what the fuck he was doing. If the guy turned out to be an idiot, he was going to find her another doctor who treated her right. Just because she decided not to use his family’s services didn’t mean she was going to be making decisions alone. He was going to be right there through all of it.

Andrei was starving, and with a few changes, he and Victoria were able to salvage breakfast. He made Victoria some of the leftover broth for lunch and made her promise him that she’d eat it and not something else that would make her sick.

At work, he wasn’t able to do as much as he should, because he was worried about her and what his parents would say about their relationship.

He called his mother first, since she was the most welcoming in the family. His mother didn’t have a mean bone in her body, which contrasted with his father’s strong personality. But their relationship worked, and they were happy together. That’s what he wanted with Victoria. Even though they clashed in more ways than one, the woman was a permanent part of his system.

His mother picked up after the second ring. “Hi, honey. What a lovely surprise. I rarely get a call from you or your brother anymore.”

“I’m sorry, mom. I know I should check in more often.”

“Hell must have frozen over and collapsed into itself,” another voice called out. Of course his mother had put him on speaker phone with his sister there. “He never calls us anymore.”

“That’s not true, Amy. I call when I can.

“Yeah? When was the last time?” Amy asked.

“I can’t remember the exact date.”

“Just because you see Dad and Sam everyday doesn’t mean you can skip out on us, dork.”

“Whatever you say, monkey.” He smiled at how easy it was to talk to his mother and sister.

“It’s a slow day for us,” his mother said. “Yesterday we delivered triplets, so I guess it’s good to have a breather. Now, do we get a reason for this unexpected surprise call?”

“I’m bringing someone home next weekend, and I really want you all to meet her. I just wanted to make sure that’s okay with you.” Andrei felt his nerves rattle some. In court, he was ice cold, but his family sometimes had him on edge, more his father than anyone else.

“Are you kidding? That’s wonderful, honey.”

He could almost see his mother’s smile on the other end, and he took a breath.

“Anyone’s better than the last one you brought home.”

Tags: Alyse Zaftig Romance