Page 43 of Rogue Hearts

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Soon those breasts would swell and grow with milk for his child, the child he’d placed deep within her. He didn’t know why that only got him more excited to take her, but he had to have her now or he wasn’t going to get the chance to feel her around him before he exploded.

He ached for to plunge deep inside her. Even she showed him he was taking too long to fuck her, so she wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him close.

Andrei didn’t let either one of them wait any longer. He didn’t bother pushing his boxer briefs down all the way. He released his cock and found her entrance. As much as he wanted to tease her again, he saved that for another session, because he would get multiple chances to explore her voluptuous body.

They both sighed as he pushed forward and she welcomed him like a lover greeting a long-gone sailor. He took his time pushing forward and pulling back from her depths. The woman consumed every part of him, and he needed her to be engulfed by him the same way.

He groaned as he held back the pleasure trying to force him to end quickly, his eyes shut tight. He felt like he wasn’t in control. With each stroke it became harder to keep from exploding inside of her. He needed to take his time to feel every part of her and allow her arms to pull him even closer.

Her moans and pants urged him forward with each stroke back. This was what he needed more than anything in the world. Feeling her tremble around him while taking him in deeper.

When the peak finally smacked into him, he made sure he brought her with him. He came hard and long, marking her inside and out with all that was him, reminding both of them that there was no one else who could compare. They were the only people who existed in the entire world as they slammed into their orgasm hard enough to last long after both of them stopped moving.

Chapter 15


When Victoria went work the next day, she was still sore between her legs from her night with Andrei. That man had a point to prove, and he’d done it repeatedly.

She worked on her current cases, but she still needed to figure out how to talk to her boss again. She hadn’t downright denied the job offer, but she hadn’t accepted either. She hoped that he hadn’t called them already to tell them that she was pregnant and unable to move to Chicago. The DA position was still an option.

Although things between her and Andrei were finally at a manageable point, they still needed to talk about what a baby meant for them. What if she did decide to accept the position? Although Smith was disappointed that she was going to have a family, that didn’t mean she couldn’t do a damn good job, even when she had to take care of a Munchkin. She put a hand on her stomach.

Her computer had a desktop notification that she got an email from him; she was a little afraid to open it. Fear wasn’t a common feeling for Victoria, and it was definitely not one she liked. In the back of her mind, she wondered if he’d ever talk to her again. Some of the staff he only talked to with one word demands. She wasn’t one of them, but maybe he would after she didn’t meet his expectations.

Victoria took a deep breath and opened the email.

It was a simple sentence: “The job is still yours if you want it.” He’d signed it even though most people in the office didn’t bother putting their name at the bottom of emails anymore.

So he hadn’t given up on her completely, which made her want to cry again. She knew it was the hormones, because she wasn’t the crying type. Lately, that was drastically changing. She sent up a small prayer that she wasn’t going to be one of those pregnant mothers who broke down crying while they were interviewing a witness. There was a pretty good chance she’d never be taken seriously as a prosecutor ever again if she did. Her colleagues and opponents would bring it up for the rest of her life if she cried in open court.

As Victoria worked, she realized that the baby would seriously affect what she did. She knew Smith had been right about that when he spoke to her, but it didn’t hit her until then.

Over the course of her career, she had built up a reputation that gave her respect from her colleagues and judges who knew she could do her job well. Even the workers in the DA’s office treated her with dignity because of what she got done and her track record for getting some of the worst criminals off of the streets.

What would those people think of her if she couldn’t do her job because of a sick child or having to go to a parent-teacher conference? Was there even anyone who would be as dedicated as she was to her job?

That’s why the Chicago position still was a possibility. She wanted to be somewhere she could make a difference in the community and make the city a better place for upstanding citizens to live. If she was the DA, she could do even more good with her position than she could ever do as an ADA.

Maybe now that she and Andrei were in a better place, he’d be up for discussing it again. After all, it was his child, too. But it was her body and her life that had to adapt to everything and deal with the repercussions of the decisions she made.

Even if she did accept the position, by the time she moved to Chicago and got settled in, she’d have to consider time for maternity leave. Maternity leave could last for months, and she wasn’t the kind of person who could just sit and stare at a wall all day. Having her ankle keep her down was torture, especially when Andrei wasn’t around to pick her up and carry her around.

Most jobs required that employees work from six months to a year before taking time off. She vaguely remembered some sort of time requirements for the FMLA. How would she deal with that knowing all the work she could be doing while at home? The last thing she ever wanted was for her child to feel like he came second to her law career, but she’d never really thought about how having a family would change her life because she never saw that as her future. She was single and happy until Andrei swept her off of her feet. Even though her time with Andrei had been intense and passionate, everything had happened so fast that there was no time to consider what a future with him would even look like.

Maybe the Chicago job was more out of reach than she expected. Yes, she knew Andrei had two daughters, who she was more nervous to meet than she cared to admit, but she couldn’t put her entire life on hold because of that...could she?

Whether she moved or not, she had to start thinking like a mother and less like the single, professional woman she was so used to and comfortable with. There was the whole need to find childcare, new doctors, and a search for more family-friendly place to raise her baby in. The more she thought about it, the more overwhelming everything seemed. It made her anxious and uneasy, two emotions she wasn’t used to dealing with on a regular basis.

The day passed by fast, and she looked up after hearing a knock on her door. Andrei stood there in his sexy glory, looking like a god with good taste for Italian suits.

“What are you doing here?” she asked.

“I told you I was taking you to lunch.” A smile played on his lips and she fought back the urge to stare at the same mouth that had done some of the most exquisite things to her the night before. More than once. She shivered just thinking about how he had made her feel.

She spotted some of the employees staring at him in the hallway. “Close the door, or people will see you.”

His smile shifted into a smirk. “Are you embarrassed to be seen with me?” He winked at her and obviously didn’t care about her shyness.

Tags: Alyse Zaftig Romance