Page 28 of Rogue Hearts

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“Even associating with Mr. Rusak after that first case was bad enough. It doesn’t matter that you weren’t on opposing sides during the start of your…relationship. What matters is that the press and the public will see the worst. Maybe even think you two manipulated the case.”

“Sir, you know me. I would never—”

“Bellamy, I know that. The public doesn’t.”

She understood what he was saying. It didn’t matter that she and Andrei weren’t lovers during the first case. That was one of the bad parts about being a state prosecutor. People always thought the worst. You were guilty until proven otherwise.

Smith sighed and sat back in his chair. He tossed a folder over to her.

“What’s this, sir?”

“Read it.”

She pulled the papers out and was stunned by what she read. “A recommendation letter?”

“Not just any recommendation letter. Chicago is looking for a new DA, and I told them you’d be perfect for the job.”

“Me? District Attorney?”

“Don’t seem so surprised, Bellamy. Before your injury, you were at the top of your game. I dare say you are the best ADA I’ve had the honor of working with. But now…”

“I promise. It’s just…I thought I had to work a few more years before I was even considered for this.”

“You know me, Bellamy. I don’t give my praise often, so when I do it counts. You’re one of the best prosecutors in this department, which is why it’d be a shame to waste your talents by keeping you here.”


He held his hand out to stop her. “This is the opportunity of a lifetime, Bellamy. Any other prosecutor would jump at the chance to take it. Due to recent circumstances, I’m sure we can wa

it a little while before you make your decision. I want to be certain you don’t take this opportunity lightly.”

“No, sir. I never do that.”

“Good to hear it. That will be all then, but don’t take too long to think about this or it may not be here when you finally make a decision.”

She stood up. “I understand, sir. Thank you.”

Deedee and Roslyn were in her office when she got back.

“So? What did he say?” Deedee asked. “He didn’t fire you, did he?”

“No,” Victoria said. “He offered me a promotion.”

“That’s a good thing,” Roslyn said.

“Of course that’s a good thing,” Deedee added.

“So why do she look like someone killed your cat?” Roslyn asked.

“He offered me a DA position,” Victoria said.

Roslyn squinted her eyes. “That doesn’t make any sense. He’s the DA.”

“Not here. He offered me the DA position in Chicago.”

Deedee hugged her. “Holy shit, girl. That’s amazing.”

“He’s offering you the chance of a lifetime,” Roslyn said. “You’d be a crazy fool not to take it, so what’s with the hesitation?”

Tags: Alyse Zaftig Romance