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“Well, I’ll be your number-one fan and follow you wherever you go, if you let me,” Aubrey murmured, smiling up at him, her hand curling around his leg so her fingers rested between his thighs.

Damn, did she mean it? He liked the idea of having her by his side, knowing she was in the stadium, watching him play. Having her with him tonight helped calm his nerves over the upcoming game, especially with the way she was looking at him. Her eyes glowed, her cheeks were pink, and he wished like crazy Willow and Nick weren’t with them. Because if they weren’t…

He’d be jumping Aubrey right here in the back of the car.

“Break it up, you two,” Nick said, ruining the moment, like a complete jackass. “You’re looking a little too cozy over there.”

Heaving an irritated sigh, Flynn reached out and skimmed his fingers down Aubrey’s cheek, ignoring Nick completely. “Quit worrying about us, Hamilton, and focus on your own woman.”

“Yeah, leave them alone, Nick,” Willow said, though he could tell by the lightness of her tone that she was teasing him. “They’re so cute together. Let the lovebirds have some privacy.”

Lovebirds. That was some sappy crap right there, and he wasn’t falling in love with her. It was way too soon for that.

Aubrey’s lids fluttered when he skimmed his fingers along her jaw, down her throat. She liked when he touched her, he could tell. Good thing, since he pretty much always wanted to touch her.

Look at him. A couple of nights of amazing sex, and he acted like he was addicted to her.

Deciding to go for it, he admitted what he’d wanted to say to her all afternoon. “I missed you today,” he murmured, figuring she needed to hear the words. Because he needed to hear them from her, too.

“You had to work.” She smiled, her breath hitching in her throat when he traced the curve of her lower lip with his index finger. “I understand.”

“Coach wanted to talk to me.” He glanced in Nick and Willow’s direction, noticed they weren’t paying them any mind. They seemed just as wrapped up in each other as he and Aubrey were. “Can I tell you about it later?”

“Of course.” She looked over at Willow and Nick, then wrapped her hand around Flynn’s neck, pulling his head down so their lips were in perfect alignment. “Kiss me before we get to the restaurant,” she whispered against his mouth.

He did as she requested, trying to control himself, since they weren’t alone in the back of the limo. But it was so hard when Aubrey opened for him easily. He slipped his hands into her hair, holding her possessively as he kissed her. Her lips parted, her tongue darted out, flicking against his, and he was freaking done for.

Somewhat. He did have some restraint.


When he tried to pull away from her, she wouldn’t let him, with her hand clasped firmly around the back of his neck. So he gave her what she wanted for a little while longer, getting lost in her lips, her taste, the way she felt when he ran his hands lightly over her body. The sweater she wore was extra soft, and he let his fingers drift over the swell of her breast, making her gasp against his lips.

Yeah. Clearly he’d lost it, since he was feeling her up right next to Nick and Willow.

The car came to a stop, and he sprang away from Aubrey, smiling when he saw how disheveled she looked. Her hair was a little wild—because he’d trailed his fingers through it. Her lips were swollen, the gloss she’d had on completely gone. Kissed away by him. And he swore he saw her nipples poking against the thin fabric of her sweater…

“Stop.” She swatted him on the arm, and he grinned.

“What did I do?” he asked, all fake innocence.

“You’re looking awfully pleased with yourself, and I look a mess.” She smoothed her hands over her hair, trying to tame it.

Unable to stop himself, he dropped a quick kiss on her lips. “You look beautiful,” he murmured.

The door closest to them swung open, and one of the restaurant-parking-lot attendants stood before them, indicating they should exit the car. Flynn let Aubrey leave first, his gaze locked on her perfect ass as she stepped out into the dark, wintry night.

“Hold on.” Willow grabbed hold of his sleeve and he turned to her, momentarily shocked when she reached out and smudged her finger along the corner of his mouth. She held her thumb out to show him it was streaked with deep pink gloss. “You were wearing your girl’s lipstick. Figured you didn’t want to be seen looking like that.”

Shit. “Uh, thanks,” he mumbled.

Nick chuckled. “Didn’t realize you were into that sort of thing, Foley. You’re a secret, kinky motherfucker, aren’t you?”

“Shut up,” he muttered as he climbed out of the car, the sound of Nick’s laughter following him all the way into the restaurant.

The restaurant was gorgeous, the atmosphere qui

Tags: Karen Erickson Game for It Romance