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“Do what sort of thing?” he murmured against her neck. His hand wandered, along her side, her waist, over her hip. Tugging on the fabric of her skirt so it hitched up an inch at a time, providing him easier and easier access.

What would she do if he dived a hand beneath her panties? Slap his face? Or beg for more? Would she be wet?

He bet she’d be very wet.

“Kiss random men in an alley,” she answered, a little yelp escaping her when he nipped at her tender flesh again with his teeth.

He did that sort of thing all the damn time but not usually with a woman. “How does it feel?”

“Feel?” She sounded confused. It probably didn’t help that his hand other slid up from where it grasped her waist to close over her breast. He skittered his thumb across her, felt the unmistakable prick of a hard nipple and she gasped.

“Yeah, feel. Does it feel bad? Naughty? All sorts of wrong?” He prayed she would say all sorts of right. He knew he thought she felt right.

A jolt moved through him at the realization and he shoved the thought aside. He wanted to focus instead on getting inside this woman’s panties.

Getting inside this woman’s head.

“No, not bad. Definitely naughty but not necessarily wrong,” she answered, her breath coming even faster when he flicked his thumb back and forth, back and forth across her taut nipple. He felt the delicate lace of her bra beneath the fabric of her shirt and her nipple hardened even more from his touch. The urge to push her T-shirt up, tug her bra down and latch his mouth on her nearly overwhelmed him.

“I bet you’ve never done a naughty thing in your life.” He kissed her lips again because he couldn’t resist. A light shone down upon them, casting her in an ethereal orangey glow and her lips beckoned, damp and glistening. Swollen and tempting and damn he couldn’t stop kissing them. Licking them. Tugging on her lower lip with his teeth until she whimpered.

“You’re right,” she admitted when he released her lip, slid his hand to her other breast and gave it the same thoughtful treatment as the first one. His other hand slowly pulled up her skirt, his hand sliding beneath the fabric to touch her warm, bare thigh. Her skin was silky soft, his cock jerking in reaction to the intimate touch. She shivered beneath his fingers. “I’ve never done anything naughty. Ever.”

“Wanna do something naughty tonight?” Before she could answer, he devoured her mouth. Their tongues thrust against each other, he slipped his hand beneath the hem of her shirt and tunneled up. Up more until his fingers closed over the lacy cup of her bra, felt the bead of her nipple thrust beneath it. All the while his other hand played with the waistband of her cotton panties.

If he had his choice he’d fuck her right here, right now. He wanted her that bad.

“This is pretty naughty, don’t you think?” she asked when he finally tore his mouth from hers to stare down at her.

He smiled, knew it was full of wicked intent because he was full of wicked intent. Oh, and his hands just happened to be full of her. “I can make it a whole lot naughtier in about sixty seconds.”

She stared at him, her breath still coming fast, eyes luminous in the dim light. With the most subtle of movements he thrust his hips against hers, knew she felt the brush of his unmistakable erection because her lids lowered, her lips parted and he swore he heard her pant. “You want to…”

“Fuck you? Yeah,” he practically growled, brushing his mouth against her neck in an open-mouthed caress. She shivered beneath his lips, her hands clutched at his shoulders and he knew he had her. Triumph filled him and he was thankful he had that spare condom in his wallet.

But then her hands shoved him away and he stumbled back, releasing his grip on her as he stared at her in disbelief. She still leaned against the wall, her arms curled in front of her as if she defended herself from him, and her hair was a disheveled mess made by his hands. Wary eyes met his and she slowly shook her head. “I’m not going to let you use me.”

His mouth dropped open in shock. “This isn’t about me using you. This is about us using each other.”

“I don’t want to do that.” Her voice held a finality to it that he found shocking.

No one had ever turned him away before, with the exception of Alexa and Brad. And once he’d embarked on this new sexual journey in his life, he’d never been turned down. Ever.

“You don’t want me.” Oddly enough he was hurt at the thought.

“I didn’t say that,” she said quietly. Her gaze dropped to the ground, like she couldn’t stand to look at him any longer.

Eric thrust his fingers through his hair, then rested his hands on his hips. His dick still throbbed, the blood coursing through his veins still hummed with electricity. He was amped up, his body attuned to hers and he didn’t get her reluctance. He wanted her so bad his arms ached to grab her. His mouth ached to kiss her.

But she didn’t want him. Or wait, she said she didn’t mean it that way.

Whatever that way meant.

He should go. Just walk

away from her without a second glance and hope to God he never saw her again. He already avoided Alexa like the plague. It should be relatively easy to avoid this woman, too.

But he didn’t move. He just stood there and stared at her. Wished he could come up with something to say, but his mind drew a complete blank.

Tags: Karen Erickson Erotic