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“What do you need?” he finally asked, his voice pitched low, his gaze locked on her mouth.

Her lips tingled as if he’d actually physically touched them. How was she supposed to answer that? Really, she was nothing but a good girl. A boring girl. One who did the right thing, who never got in trouble, who was never daring or outrageous or free.

This man, what he asked, how he looked at her, he made her want to do something completely outrageous. Just for her.

She’d always secretly wanted to do something secretly outrageous.

“I—I don’t know what I need,” she admitted, her voice gone soft, a little breathless.

“I think you do.” He stepped closer, invading her space. So close she could smell him, see the slightly desperate look in his eyes and she wondered

if hers matched.

Because standing so close to him, smelling him, his body heat radiating toward her, drawing her in, she suddenly felt really desperate.

“Are you suggesting something?” This was insane. She had just broken up with Keith, and here she was possibly propositioning a man she barely knew. A man who happened to be the ex…whatever of her best friend.

“Come with me.” He offered his hand and she took it, his fingers curling about hers, long and firm. Tingles shot up her arm, blossomed low in her stomach at his touch. She followed him out of the building and onto the sidewalk outside, the quiet night enveloping her with a sort of blessed relief. The air was crisp, a hint of fall in the breeze that blew over them and she nearly tripped over her own feet as he led her down the sidewalk, his stride long and purposeful.

“Wh—where are we going?” she called after him, tugging on his hand so he’d turn around and look at her.

He flashed her a charming smile, white teeth glowing in the darkness and the sight of that smile somehow, in some way made her panties melt. “Right here.”

Eric pulled her into a short alleyway and pressed her against the brick wall of the building so quick the breath was knocked out of her. He crowded her yet again, even closer this time and she leaned into him. His chest pressed close to hers, his lower body nudging insistently. She swore she felt the brush of his cock against her, even through his jeans, and her knees weakened.

Hovering over her, he cupped her cheek with a wide hand. She tilted her head back and met his turbulent gaze. “What are you doing?” Her entire body went still at his nearness. Her breath came hard and fast as she waited for his answer.

He smiled again, his thumb sweeping along her skin and sending a scattering of tingles throughout her body. “You ask a lot of questions don’t you? Are you the type who likes a play by play?”

She frowned. Tried to ignore the fire his touch ignited deep within her. “A play by play?”

“Yeah, like this.” He lowered his head so his mouth barely brushed against hers. “First, I’m going to kiss you. Then I’m going to touch you. And then…well I’m not sure what’s going to happen after that, but we’ll see how willing you are. That sort of play by play, you know?”

“Oh.” She swallowed hard, her eyes shuttering closed when she felt the firm brush of his lips. They were warm, damp and his breath smelled faintly of beer. “I—I don’t normally need a play by play,” she said weakly.

His fingers curled about her chin and held her in place. “Good. I’ll just kiss you then.”

And he did.

Chapter Two

Eric had no idea what possessed him to do this—to kiss this woman. Maybe it was the way she got defensive earlier and her eyes had sparkled with anger. Or when she basically told him to get lost and find some random guy to fuck. That had been surprising. It revealed she had a bit of fire hidden beneath that calm–tinged-with-sadness demeanor she held so close.

Inhaling deep, he breathed her heady scent. She smelled good. And she tasted good too, fresh and sweet and faintly of cranberries. From the moment he shook her hand he’d felt a connection with her. A sort of zing that passed between them when their palms met and it had been zinging all night.

Now it was like alarm bells clanged in his head. Louder and louder the longer he touched her, kissed her, felt her shift within his arms. He had her back pressed to the rough wall, her body smashed against his, her slender arms snaked around his neck. Her fingers played with the hair at his nape, and he shivered from her gentle touch. She was kissing him for all she was worth, her tongue dancing with his, little moans sounding low in her throat. Sounds that drove him on, pushed him further as he deepened the kiss.

He searched her mouth with his tongue. Sucked her lower lip, nibbled it. Enjoying himself, enjoying her and it had been a while since he’d sought out a woman. It was his own damn fault, though. None of them seemed to ever measure up to Alexa, though he didn’t do himself any favors. He always sought out women who reminded him of her, which in hindsight was a really stupid move.

Stacy was nothing like Alexa whatsoever.

No, she’s just Alexa’s best friend, which makes me a complete dumbass for even kissing this woman, let alone contemplating how I can get her somewhere private and fuck her. Talk about a stupid move.

Pushing the irritating thought from his mind, he refocused all of his attention on the woman in his arms. How soft she felt, how sweet. Her lips were plump, delicious and her fingers threaded through his hair, tugging so hard it hurt but he didn’t mind. He’d discovered over the years he liked a little pain with his pleasure sometimes.

The more they kissed the more fired up she became, her body undulating against his, her full breasts brushing against his chest, her legs tangling with his. As if she wanted to get closer but couldn’t quite figure out how to do so. She wore a skirt. A sexy little tiered black skirt and he couldn’t help but think easy access.

“I never do this sort of thing,” she rasped when he broke the kiss to slide his lips along the tender column of her throat. Her skin was extra soft there, extra fragrant and he licked her, nibbled lightly with his teeth. Breathed deep, savoring it. Savoring her.

Tags: Karen Erickson Erotic