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“You heard what Viper said. I have to get the phone from the woman’s bathroom. He’ll expect to hear from me. I won’t screw this up for us.”

He scowled, but opened the door for her to enter. She was expecting a golf and country club, but this place was way above her pay grade. It seemed to be a social club for all the old money of the city. She felt completely out of her element.

Xavier walked in like he owned the place.

He stood tall, scanning the room, looking for his targets. She felt safe next to him. She hoped she didn’t get shot today. Her recovery hadn’t been fun, but she’d always been good with pain.

An employee in a full suit approached them. Xavier didn’t even speak, just handed him the memberships.

“It’s wonderful to have you with us, Mr. and Mrs. Moreno. Please enjoy your stay.”

Once the man walked off, a woman took his place, holding a tray of champagne flutes. Xavier shook his head and she left.

“How does it feel to be called Mrs. Moreno?” he asked.

He had no idea. She’d give anything to belong to him. “It feels nice.”

They linked arms, and they walked around the club. There were a few couples, but mostly groups of men with lots of cash on tables, scantily clad women hanging off them. She quickly realized this wasn’t a place for the white-collar elite but the criminal underworld.

“I see one of them,” he whispered, not looking at her. She followed his gaze and recognized the man from that day at the docks. He’d been the one smoking a cigar on the sofa.

“He’ll recognize me,” she said. Her heartrate was already on the up climb and they’d only just shown up.

“Why don’t you visit the ladies’ room, darling,” he said aloud, pointing to the door down a narrow hallway.

She nodded, glad to get away to calm her nerves. The cell phone was supposed to be hiding, duct-taped under the counter. When she entered the bathroom, there were other women inside, so she pretended to use the toilet. Once the coast was clear, she slipped out of the stall and felt around under the sinks. It hurt to squat down, so she kept pawing around for the phone when it started ringing.

Her heart jumped, and she quickly retrieved it and put it to her ear. “Hello?” she whispered.

“You can speak normally, Alesha. People use the phone in the bathroom all the time.”


“I’m going to tell you two words. You’ll understand when the time comes. Don’t say anything until then,” said Boss.

“Until when? What’s going on here?”

“I like things to happen organically. With a little help, of course. People don’t learn unless they experience things firsthand. When my men think I’m out to destroy them, I’m just teaching a lesson or opening their eyes to something they couldn’t see on their own.”

“You’re not making any sense.”

“Widow Maker. Those are your words. Now go off and mingle. I hear you’re a good actress.” The line went dead.


When she exited the bathroom, the door of the men’s room across the hall slammed shut, making her jump. There was more banging, but she continued down the hall. She went in search of Xavier, not finding him where she left him. Within seconds, his arms snaked around her waist from behind. He kissed her neck, reminding her how capable of a lover he was. It had been two long months, and she just wanted to be alone with him. No more drama.

“Where were you?”

“Just using the restroom.”

She turned around in his arms. “The man we saw?”

“Taken care of. One down, two to go. Did you get the call you were waiting for?”

She nodded. Damn, he worked fast. His skills turned her on, her body already thrumming. He backed her up in a quiet corner, then lifted up the edge of her dress.

“What are you doing?”

Tags: Sam Crescent Killer of Kings Romance