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“I did speak English, didn’t I?” Boss asked. “I thought you’d like this investment. I got rid of that dirty fucking bar. I like coming to this plaza, and that place ruined it for me. I happen to like your sugar cookies, Riley.” He winked.

This was all news to Shadow, who simply smiled, shocked at what Boss had given Riley. It was perfect.

Boss handed her the keys. “There’s a designer in the old bar waiting for you. It’s a huge unit. He says he can have the bakery and shop you want within a month. Get what you want, and don’t let him bulldoze you into doing what he wants.”

Riley’s mouth was open in shock as she took the keys, staring at them for a moment. Shadow laughed as she threw herself at Boss, and in that moment, he saw the tenderness on Boss’s face, which was gone within seconds.

If he hadn’t been watching, he’d have missed it.

“Go on. I don’t have all fucking day.”

Boss had called him that morning, and ordered him down to Riley’s old bakery. Shadow never expected this, but he saw what it meant to his woman.

“She’s a good one. You’ve got to keep the kind that can bake close. In my line of work, a chocolate pie cures all problems,” Boss said.

“Are you going to tell me what went down?”

“You don’t need to trouble yourself over it, Shadow. A hit on Killer of Kings was expected. I don’t think they knew what they were dealing with. It was good to have my men come and help me though. That was … worth it.”

“Where did you and Killian go? We were all worried.”

Boss smiled, and it was a wicked smile. “We went to pay some friends a visit, Shadow. You know there’re cameras inside my buildings. They record and see everything. We made sure that no one else ever gets the idea to try and take me out. I run an organization of killers who get the job done right. I don’t run from threats. Never have. I stand and I fight. Let’s just say anyone else who thought they could win by taking me down, they’ve been warned.”

Shadow held his hand out to shake, and Boss took it.

Leaving the leader of the Killer of Kings, he made his way inside, and saw Riley smiling and clapping her hands. She turned when she saw him, running up and throwing herself into his arms. He laughed as he twirled her in the air.

“I love it. This is so awesome. I can’t believe I don’t have to worry about anything. I can have the bakery that I’ve always wanted. Everything I’ve ever dreamed of.”

“You started this dream yourself, Riley. Don’t forget that. And it was your hard work that paved the way. We’re going to live this dream together, babe. Every single dream, we’re going to do it together.” He set her back on her feet. “I want you to marry me.”


“You heard me. I want us to have a life together, to put a ring on your finger, and to spend the rest of my life loving you. We’ll be a real family. Hell, maybe we can be foster parents, great foster parents, and adopt kids of our own. I know how amazing you are, Riley, and I know how lucky I am that you picked me.”

“I haven’t agreed to marry you yet.”

He slammed his lips down on hers, feeling her melt against him. “You will.”

“Are you always so certain?” she asked.

Shadow ran his thumb across her lips, shaking his head. “I’ve only ever been certain of one thing. I can’t live without you, Riley. Not now, not ever. I want to give you the world, and to wake up with you every single day.”

Tears filled her eyes, and when they spilled down her cheeks, he wiped them away.

He cocked an eyebrow. “My declaration of forever was supposed to make you happy.”

“It does make me happy, Shadow. So happy.” She gripped his shirt, nodding her head. “Yes, I’ll marry you. Yes, we can have a family, and I’d love to wake up beside you for the rest of our lives.”

If they didn’t have an audience, he’d have made love to her there and then, as it was, he held Riley’s hand as she dealt with the guy who’d refurbish her new place.

He didn’t think for a second that he’d ever get a chance to find love, or to be happy. Riley was his life now, and the future they had together was one he looked forward to sharing with her.

For now and forever, he’d love her.

The End

Tags: Sam Crescent Killer of Kings Romance