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He peered out the curtains briefly. “Fuck. Pack your shit, we’re leaving.”

“What? Where?” Being taken to a second location was always a bad idea when it came to kidnappings—she knew that much. She didn’t like the sound of being taken to a strange place, probably where he planned to murder her. Then she thought better. If he took her out in public, she’d be able to make a scene or run away. It was a very touristy area.

He started strapping all those scary weapons back on. But as much as guns terrified her, he looked so badass, so damn sexy. What’s wrong with you, Pepper? Maybe she had daddy issues. Or she’d lost her mind completely.

“You’ve got two minutes, sweetheart. I suggest you get your ass moving.”

Pepper hadn’t taken much when she left home. She’d run off in the middle of the night with only a backpack.

“Where are we going?” she repeated. “You don’t have to do this, you know. I can disappear and my stepfather won’t know you didn’t kill me.”

He tugged his jacket on, then checked the clip on one of his guns before replacing it on his belt. “Remember that asshole in the bathroom? Well, he’s not the only one.” Viper strode over to her. He was so tall, she had to crane her neck to look him in the eyes. “You’re welcome to stay here and take your chances with the two thugs scoping out your room, or you can come with me. I promise, I’m not as sadistic. I’m known for my swift kills.”

“I don’t like either of those options.” She crossed her arms over her chest, but still knew she’d prefer a fast death over a painful death if those were her only choices. But somewhere deep down inside of her, she hoped that Viper wouldn’t be able to go through with killing her.

“I was trying to be nice, but this isn’t a debate, princess. It’s time to go.”


He growled as he turned to face her again, but he still appeared collected. Her stepfather had always been in a perpetual rage, and he terrified her. Not Viper. “What is it now?”

“I’m scared,” she admitted. Pepper didn’t want to appear weak, but the thought of two hitmen outside waiting to kill her was a terrifying prospect. This was crazy, too much for her to process. Pepper wanted to withdraw within herself, to hide from all the evil in the world. “What if one of them shoots me?”

He exhaled and ran a hand through his dark hair. “Is that all? As long as you’re with me, I guarantee you’ll be safe from them.”

She could hear something right outside the door, and she saw the knob move. Adrenaline scattered like wildfire through her veins. She pointed, unable to speak.

“Relax. You’ve been on the run for months, so I know you’re stronger than this. Just keep quiet. Got it?”

Pepper nodded. She had the overwhelming urge to throw herself into his arms. Now that her mother was dead, she didn’t have a soul to turn to for comfort. She’d never felt so scared and alone.

“Hey.” His leather jacket creaked as he tilted her chin up. The scent of his woodsy cologne was pure masculinity. “Be a good girl for me, okay?” She studied him. He had a unique intensity, and a gnarly scar that cut down the length of his face on one side. She imagined most women would be repelled, but his imperfections were somehow beautiful to her. Pepper wondered if he ever smiled.

He put his finger to his lips to silence her as he backed away from her toward the door. Viper stood behind it, and ever so carefully unlocked the deadbolt. She couldn’t believe he was going to invite the murderers in without a fight. To make matters worse, her feet turned to lead. She froze in place when she needed to take cover.

Someone kicked in the door a moment later, two men rushing into the room with guns raised. The first man had grey hair and a pot belly. He smiled when he saw her standing there, like a deer in the headlights. She still couldn’t move.

“So good to see you, Pepper.” He had a raspy smoker’s voice. As he approached her, he tucked his gun away and began to slip on a pair of gloves. She watched as he wiggled each chubby finger in, one at a time.

The other guy was muscle-bound, his black suit too tight. He spilled the contents of a plastic bag on the table. There were syringes and baggies of white powder.

“Take off your sweater,” said the older man. “Let me see your arms.”

Her heart felt like it was being squeezed in a vise. She couldn’t even breathe. When she looked to Viper, still standing in the dark shadow behind the door, he put his finger to his lips again. She swallowed her paralyzing fear, unbuttoned her sweater, and slipped it off. Pepper always wore sweaters, even in the heat, because she didn’t want to showcase her extra weight and thick arms. Growing up, the women in their elite circle were picture-perfect and highly critical of anything less than perfection. She never felt like she belonged.

The man grabbed her wrist in a bruising grip, pulling her arm straight. “Shit, she’s not a user.”

The big guy came over, flicking a full syringe with a finger. “Too late to worry about that now. Besides, there’s always a first time for everyone—especially grieving daughters.”

Pepper began to hyper-ventilate, rearing back, trying to get her arm free.

“Don’t you know drugs are bad for your health?”

The older guy turned his head to the voice, and Viper delivered a short straight-punch to his face, followed by an elbow, and another punch. Each move was precise and effective, knocking the man to the ground. Viper’s hulking presence was all-business, his eyes black and flat.

When the big guy with the needle charged him, Pepper screamed, “Viper!”

But he didn’t need her help. He twisted the other man in a headlock so fast, it was almost inhuman. He hit him in such a brutal fashion, she had to look away. Blood sprayed the carpet, and a gross gurgling sound was followed by the heavy body falling to the ground.

Tags: Sam Crescent Killer of Kings Romance