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Viper winked. “We’ll see.”

She didn’t look scared like he expected. Usually people lost their humanity when death was inevitable, promising him anything, or breaking into hysterics. Pepper had a calmness about her that was unusual and intriguing.

“It’s my stepfather, right? He hired you.”

“I don’t discuss business with my targets,” he said.

She kept eying his weapons. Viper was always well strapped.

“Why do you need so many guns?” she asked.

“Why not?” He pulled his Glock from his right holster and twirled in around a finger. She gasped, her body going stiff. “I’m not killing you yet, so relax.” He put the handgun back in place.

Pepper shook her head. “I don’t like guns, but I’m not afraid to die.”

“Everyone’s afraid to die. Trust me, when the time comes you’ll be begging like the rest of them.”

She kept quiet after that, hugging herself, and occasionally touching her face. That piece of shit must have really clocked her good. Her right cheek was already darkening, easily noticeable against her fair skin. He removed his shoulder holster and gun belt, resting them on the dinette table. Viper rolled out his shoulders and cracked his neck to each side. It had been a long day for him. He approached the skittish girl on the sofa, brushing her hair aside to assess the bruising.

“Do you like killing people?” she asked. This girl was too chatty for his liking.

“Where’re you hurt?”

“I’m fine,” she said, leaning away from his touch.

“He hit your face, anything else? Did he fuck you?”

Her mouth fell agape. “No,” she snapped. She looked down now, a mix of shyness and embarrassment. He twirled a lock of her hair around his finger. She was cute when mad, like an angry kitten, and his teasing had the desired effect. Pepper smacked his hand.

He knelt down on one knee in front of her, snatching both her wrists in one of his fists when she attempted to swat him again. “Brave little thing. I guess you’re used to getting your way, aren’t you, princess?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

He scoffed. “I hear you were raised with a silver spoon in your mouth. It’ll make killing you a hell of a lot easier. So, yeah, I might enjoy this.” Viper couldn’t stand rich bitches. But more than anything, he was looking to get a rise out of Pepper.

“You know nothing about me,” she said, futilely trying to tug her arms back. “I haven’t done anything wrong!”

Viper stared at her, while holding her steady. Such a waste to kill her, he thought. Her blue eyes had flecks of gold, and her blonde hair fell over her shoulders in long, loose waves. She looked like a fucking angel, and what was he? A devil? Something about her brought down his hackles. Part of him wished this was a rescue mission and not a hit.

“What made you run?” he asked. It was a legitimate question. He wanted to know how this innocent girl could get caught up in such a mess. It was hard to imagine a delicate thing like her surviving on her own, with no one to protect her.

She didn’t answer right away, her eyes welling up with unshed tears. “He started beating me, making my life miserable. If I told my mother, he said he’d kill both of us. It got so bad that I had no choice but to leave. I only found out about my mom from the news.”

This time he let her have her arms back. She cupped her face with her hands and started crying, a floodgate unleashed. She was more upset remembering her mother’

s death than the fact he planned to kill her. He couldn’t even imagine what it would feel like to be that attached to one person. Her emotional outburst made him uncomfortable, so he walked to the other side of the room to check his cell phone. Still no damn call from Boss. Pepper’s sobs filled the room—holy shit, he needed some air.

He reached to put his cell back in his pocket, when it vibrated. Viper looked at the screen. It was a damn text message, and Killer of Kings strictly contacted him by phone call.


Pepper used the sleeve of her sweater to wipe her tears away. She didn’t want this hitman to think she was weak, because he already assumed she was spoiled. Why did she even care what he thought of her? She watched him standing over the table full of weapons, his face grimacing when he checked his phone. He was huge. When he’d taken off his leather jacket, she couldn’t believe the size of his muscles. He was covered in ink, intricate black patterns intertwined with skulls and demons.

Viper was the exact type of man her mother had warned her to stay away from, but for some reason she’d never felt such a powerful attraction. He had to be at least a decade older. She hated herself for desiring a man fit for nightmares, but she couldn’t control her body. Pepper wasn’t so sure of her mind either. She couldn’t stop imagining what it would be like if a man like Viper loved her. He’d be able to protect her from the world, from her stepfather.

“Are you done with the tears?” he asked.

She scowled.

Tags: Sam Crescent Killer of Kings Romance