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Chapter Ten

Viper stroked Pepper’s back as she cuddled in the crook of his arm. He knew their time together was limited, and it pissed him off that things weren’t different. In his perfect world, Pepper would be safe and he’d be everything she needed. But since his reality was fucked up, he’d have to fight for what he wanted—and he would.

“Where will you live when this all settles down?” he asked.

He felt her shrug. “I guess I’ve always dreamed of a little place by the water. It’s so peaceful and relaxing. I’ve never been a city person.”

“Is there room for me in that little place?”

She giggled. “Yes, I need someone to scare away the seagulls.”

“I can do that.”

Viper was irrevocably in love with Pepper. His nomad lifestyle based on money, death, and keeping numb meant nothing to him now. All he wanted to do was make Pepper’s dreams come true.

“Who was that man? The one you didn’t kill.”

He hadn’t told her much about Bain. What was there to tell? He was raised in the same compound as Viper. They’d grown up together, living out the same twisted childhood that would give the strongest person nightmares. Once they all split up as teens, he’d only seen him on a couple rare occasions. Like Viper, he worked as a hired mercenary, but he refused to work for anyone, including Killer of Kings. Bain played it solo, a reclusive and sadistic motherfucker who refused to answer to anyone.

Still, he was the closest thing to a brother Viper had.

“Bain was taken as a boy, the same as me. We both got the short end of the stick when it came to happy childhoods.”

“Why would he attack you then?”

Viper chuckled. “You wouldn’t understand, baby girl. We were taught to close off our hearts. It was drilled into us every single day. He’s probably more animal than man at this point in his life. He’s dangerous, unstable. I never want him that close to you ever again.”

“If he’s so horrible, why didn’t you kill him?”

Viper felt a wave of emotion fill his dark soul. “It’s not his fault. Those assholes created a monster. They created me.” He held her tighter. “You brought out something in me I thought was dead. Maybe there’s hope for Bain, too.”

They’d been resting together, talking, and sharing for hours. It was the last guaranteed night they had together, so he knew he had to claim Pepper completely. He wanted her to be his in every way. His cock was already raring to go again. Her curves and sweet innocence were a wicked combination for his libido. Opposites really did attract in their case.

He rolled atop her, grinding his cock against her mound. She moaned and ran her hands over his back.

“How can you be horny again?” she asked. “You can’t be human.”

“I’ll never get enough of you, sweet girl.” He painted a line along the smooth plane of her neck with his tongue. Then he kissed her, tasting and sampling, knowing exactly what he wanted next. “I need to make you mine.”

“I am yours. Only yours.”

“Not all of you, and I want it all.” He nuzzled her neck, nipping on her earlobe.

“What more can I give you?” she asked, tilting her head aside. Damn, she was adorable. He almost felt guilty for what he was going to take from her. Almost.

“I want your ass. From the first day I saw you, I’ve wanted that beautiful ass of yours.” His cock twitched in anticipation.

Pepper tensed under him. “I don’t know, Viper. You’re so big. It’ll be painful.”

He growled just thinking about it. His little virgin had more firsts to give, and he wanted to claim them all. “I’d never hurt you. I only want to make you feel good.”

She ran her finger along the bruise around his eye. “I trust you,” she said. “But I’m still scared.”

Viper loved that she trusted him. He saw it as a responsibility, an honor of sorts. Everyone he dealt with was afraid of him and expected the worst—not Pepper.

“Roll over for me. I’ll go slow, so slow you’ll be begging me to fuck your ass.”

Once she was on her stomach, he straddled her legs and held those huge, luscious globes in his palms. He gave them a little shake, mesmerized by the wiggle, and tempted to give her a bite or two. Viper couldn’t resist giving her a little smack, the fleshy sound filling the room. She squealed.

Tags: Sam Crescent Killer of Kings Romance