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When her house came into view it was like looking through a portal in time. A wash of emotion took her by surprise. She remembered her mother, but mostly the fear the house represented thanks to her horrible stepfather. Her body felt stiff, her nerves on edge. What was she thinking to go through with this plan? Now that they had arrived, her confidence dwindled.

“Shit, your place is huge.”

“Appearances mean nothing,” she said. “I could never live in that house again. It only reminds me of his cruelty.”

“Bernard Sutherland,” Viper recited, a deadly inclination in his tone.

“He’s the worst.”

“Is that your name? Pepper Sutherland?”

“No! I have my mother’s name, Henshaw.” There was no way she wanted to be associated with that monster, that murderer.

They pulled around to the side street next to the house. Viper had his leather jacket on, effectively concealing his weapons. He was more on edge than usual, his focus seemingly on everything at once.

“They’re not here. I thought you told the media crew to meet you at seven sharp?”

Pepper looked at the dashboard clock, and it was already twenty minutes aft

er. It seemed odd they’d be late for such a breaking news case. As much as she felt safe with Viper, part of her believed she’d meet the same fate as her mother. “I don’t understand why they’re not here.”

Viper scanned the area, his eyes narrowed. “That’s because they’re dead.”


He raced the car up the street, way above the inner-city speed limit. The sound of the engine was deafening. Her heart pumped like a freight train, and she had to remind herself just to breathe. Viper stopped in the old alleyway behind her house, mostly used for deliveries and storing the dumpsters.

“Get out,” he said.

“Viper, what’s happening?”

“Hush now. Keep quiet and do as I say.”

She followed behind him, holding the edge of his jacket like a lifeline. He appeared like a man taking a casual stroll on the beach, his shoulders back and each stride strong and confident. He had one hand inside his jacket, and he used his free one to test the back door. It was locked. Viper squatted down after checking around. Within seconds he’d picked the lock.

Once inside the only home she’d ever known, she felt dirty and violated. Her stepfather didn’t deserve to take over everything. She noticed little things, like family portraits and small trinkets she’d bought with her mother when she was a child. He’d taken everything from her. Her anger gave her the confidence she desperately needed right now. Even if she never lived here again, there was no way she could stand the thought of her mother’s murderer enjoying it.

“Stay here,” Viper whispered. “I’m going to check over there.”

Pepper didn’t like being left alone, but she did as she was told. She kept fiddling with the hem of her shirt hoping he’d come back quickly, but after a while she heard two male voices coming from the other hallway. She froze, a jolt of panic paralyzing her like back at that hotel. She tried to call out for Viper, but her voice didn’t work.

“Someone’s there,” said one of the men. When they both noticed her, they were quick to pull out guns. God, she hated guns, especially when pointed at her.

“It’s the fucking girl. I can’t believe this. How’s that possible?” said the blond.

“Hell if I know. There still a price on her head?”

The blond smirked. “Damn right there is. Sutherland never said we couldn’t cash in. Do you remember the terms?”

“Natural causes. That’s it.”

“It won’t look good if she tanks in her own house. Let’s drive her out to the suburbs and dump her,” said the blond.

Pepper still hadn’t moved. She felt like she was having an out of body experience, watching a movie where she had the unfortunate starring role.

They started to move in, cornering her, like hunters approaching a skittish animal. “Hey there, Pepper. Don’t be scared. I’m sure your stepdad will be thrilled to see you.”

The blond slowly reached out for her arm, but before he could make contact there was a shrill popping sound. He dropped straight backwards like a falling oak, crashing onto the wooden floor. The other guy waved his gun back and forth like a madman looking for a ghost. There was another pop, and a well of blood appeared on his forehead. He stared at her blankly before collapsing into a heap.

Tags: Sam Crescent Killer of Kings Romance