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“You can’t read, can you?” she asked.

Viper took a bite of the pizza and stared at her. He didn’t tell anyone that secret. Boss didn’t even know. As far as Boss was concerned, Viper was an asshole for demanding vocal instructions. He didn’t give a shit what anyone thought of him. Maurice didn’t know, and the bastards who kept him as a kid made sure their killing machines did as they were told. They were not taught or allowed to read. He knew numbers, and that was all.

“What are you staring at?” he asked.

Tears flooded her eyes, and she shook her head. “Wow, you’re going to be an asshole, is that it?”

“Babe, I don’t know what you’re thinking right now, but you’re paying me to keep you alive, and that’s what I’m doing. I’m keeping you alive. You got a problem with that?”

She shook her head. “No, I don’t have a problem with that.” Pepper stormed away, and he cursed himself.

“Pepper, you’ve got to eat.”

“What I don’t need right now is to be around an asshole like you. That’s what I don’t want!” She slammed his bedroom door closed, and he tossed the pizza in the trash. He was no longer hungry. How the fuck did she figure that shit out from one text?

He’d kept this secret for a long fucking time. No one knew.

Tapping his hand on the counter, he was about to go and see Pepper when his cell phone rang.

“What?” he asked.

“Mind the attitude. Bianchi has put a hit out on you.”

“I was out to get pizza and found a guy lurking. He’s dead so there’s no reason to worry at all. What I didn’t like was the fact there was an SUV scoping my place. I can’t stay here. They’ll be back.”

“You’re going to need to move. I’ve got a safe house set up for you. It’s secluded, and you’re not going to have to worry about anyone finding it,” Boss said.

Viper was intrigued. “Where is it?”

“It’s my house.”

“Boss, I’m not going to hang out at your place.”

“You’ve got no choice. The bounty on your head is high enough, and Pepper’s has just doubled. I’m not about to lose money.”

Viper tensed, and Boss tsked.

“I’m not going to fucking kill you, Viper. The money they’re offering is not enough.”

“How much?” Viper asked.

“Two mill. That’s not enough to kill you in my book. I can earn that from you in a few months, and that’s exactly what I intend to do. You’re a good worker,” Boss said.

“Ah, would you miss me if I ended up dead?”

“Don’t push your fucking luck.”


They were back on the road again, the scenery passing her by as they made their way once again to another safe house. Pepper rested her head on her hand refusing to look at the man she had given her virginity to.

Yes, she had been afraid when she saw those guys in the SUV. She knew Viper wouldn’t let anything happen to her, and so she had run. The last thing those guys needed was to expose her kidnapping on the television. Being in a public place was the best thing for her. Her stepfather needed her to die of natural causes. Being run down by a car was kind of natural until they investigated. His ass would get thrown in jail, and the money wouldn’t go to anyone but charity. The business would be broken down, and sold off piece by piece.

No, her stepfather didn’t want that. He wanted control.

“I’m sorry,” Viper said.

She turned to find him still staring straight ahead. It was early evening. The sun was still shining in the sky, and they were traveling on a busy road.

Tags: Sam Crescent Killer of Kings Romance