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We stared at Penny for a second, then started laughing again.

I’d missed out on this. On sisters. It was pretty amazing. And now I had them, plus Wilder and King. It couldn’t get much better…unless I could get in their pants.

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* * *

“That was quick,” Sarah said as I gripped her waist and lifted her up and into King’s truck.

We were in the parking lot of the Barlow County Courthouse, the old turn-of-the-century brick building behind us. King had the marriage license in hand, his and Sarah’s signatures as husband and wife, mine as one of the witnesses.

King had folded the center console up so she could sit between us. No fucking way would she sit in the back. I wanted to be as close to her as possible. I climbed into the seat beside her. Her sisters and their men had come to witness, but had left, knowing we wanted to get Sarah home and alone. And naked.

“Clearly the judge knew he needed to give the short version of the wedding vows,” King said, sliding in behind the wheel. He winked. “Mrs. Barlow.”

Fuck, the sound of Sarah having King’s name made my dick hard. It was official.

We’d arrived at exactly nine o’clock, neither of us wanting to wait a second longer than necessary to make her ours. If only yesterday hadn’t been Sunday and the courthouse closed, she would have already been ours. I lifted her left hand, saw the simple gold band King had put on her finger with his vows. Reaching in my pocket, I pulled out my ring for her. Held it up. I wanted to make it official between us, too.

Sarah’s eyes flicked up to mine. She licked her lips, which were shiny with some kind of girlie gloss. Besides that, she had on a touch of makeup. Something dark and smoky that brought out her whiskey colored eyes, her full brows. Thick lashes. And those lips…fuck.

“With this ring, I thee wed,” I said, my voice deep. Clear. It didn’t matter we were in King’s truck as I said these precious words. As long as I was with her, that I was getting my ring on her finger, was all that mattered. “To have and to hold from this day forward until death do us part.”

Tears filled her eyes, slid down her cheeks as I slipped my silver band on her finger to join King’s. Side by side, they looked perfect.

“I love you, Wilder,” she whispered.

“I love you, too,” I growled. Glancing around, I knew this wasn’t the place to kiss my bride. Not when she’d just married King. “Now that we’re hitched, let’s get our wife home. I want to kiss her properly. I’ve been waiting years for this.”

King started the engine, grinning. Yeah, he felt it too. We had our girl. Between us all legal-like. Nothing would tear us apart now. And soon, we’d claim all of her. Every sweet, hot inch of her.

The ride to the Barlow Ranch usually took thirty minutes. We made it in twenty. And upstairs to King’s bedroom in another minute.

When he kicked the door shut behind him, I exhaled. This was it. The moment. Her rings glinted on her finger from the bright sunshine through the window. The bed was big enough for all three of us, at least to fuck. We were alone. Hell, no one was around for miles. Sarah wouldn’t have to stifle any sounds of pleasure. We’d hear her come, hear her as we took her for the first time. She wouldn’t have to hold anything back. Ever again.

And it started right now.

I glanced to King and he nodded. While Sarah looked nervous, she also seemed excited. Her body twitched with adrenaline, with need. Her eyes were almost black and her nipples were hard though her pretty white dress. We’d ditched our coats by the front door.

It wasn’t a bridal gown, but it was perfect. With the halter top, it made it easy for King to undo the bow at the nape of her neck, let the material fall to her waist. She was bare beneath. No bra. Only her gorgeous, pale breasts with the big nipples, fat tips and the damned rings. My mouth watered to suck on one.

From behind, King kissed the juncture of her neck and shoulder, slid his hands down to her hips and worked the dress off. It pooled at her feet.

“Fuck, princess,” King whispered. “You’re such a good girl. So fucking dirty.”

I palmed my dick through my jeans. The sight of her had pre-cum seeping out. “So dirty,” I agreed. “Going to the courthouse and standing before the judge without any panties or bra.”

Goose bumps rose on her skin and she shivered. It wasn’t the least bit cold in the room and I knew it was that adrenaline again. She wanted this so fucking bad, but didn’t know what to do. Good thing she had two men in charge.

“Take off those pretty shoes,” I said, “Bend over when you do. I want one last glimpse of that virgin pussy.”

She whimpered, but did as I commanded. King moved so he, too, could share in the erotic view. A heart-shaped ass, a pink pussy all glossy and slick. Creamy thighs coated in that sweet, sticky goodness. I licked my lips, remembering her flavor.

Once she stood before us, bare from head to toe, King reached out his hand and she stepped toward him. “Kneel, princess.”

She frowned, but did so immediately, her knees cushioned by the soft carpet.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Steele Ranch Romance