Page 38 of Naked Choke

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He lowered his head, kissing me gently, softly, tenderly, as he shifted his hips, nestling his cock at my entrance, then sliding into my wet heat. “Waiting for you.”



Waiting for you.

I hadn’t realized the depth of those words, the truth behind them until I was balls deep inside Emory. The feel of her slick heat surrounding me, squeezing me in tiny pulses, was unlike anything I’d ever felt before. I’d wanted to be in this exact place ever since I glimpsed her from across the bar chatting with the bartender. She was fresh air and sunshine and light and brightness and she had directed it all right on me. The attraction, the chemistry between us was explosive, but it was more than that. It was some kind of connection that went bone deep, soul deep that I knew I would never be able to escape. And I didn’t want to.

I had been waiting for her. Everything in my life had been a buildup until she arrived. I’d been going through the motions, punching and kicking my way to this moment when I could have her. She was giving herself to me and that was precious. As I looked down into her wide eyes, the passion and surprise there only ratcheted up my desire for her. I loved how she sounded when she came, how her inner walls had clenched down on my finger, how she’d just…let go. It was as if she fell into my arms and I nudged her into that bliss. That sound had me almost coming in my boxers. I’d wanted inside her with a desperation like an addict needed a drug. I had to have her.

Now, her walls clenched down as if trying to pull me in deeper, as if she wanted more. Perhaps she did. Carefully, I pulled back. Her eyes went blurry, her chin tilted as she arched her back. When her hips rose to meet me, I plunged deep.

We both groaned. The pleasure, the feel of her, rocked my world. I couldn’t hold back, I couldn’t hold still any longer and so I began to move. Her hands tightened on my waist, slid over my ass, gripping it and pulling me into her as if she couldn’t get enough. I lowered my head and kissed her, her breasts pressing into my chest, the friction of my movement making the tips harden.

I swallowed her little sounds of pleasure as I rocked into her, my tongue mimicking the movements of my cock. She turned her head to the side, breaking the kiss, gasping for air. “Gray!”

Her hips lifted to meet mine now, frantic in the need to take me in, over and over.

“Come again for me, baby. Let’s go over together.”

She turned her head back to mine, looked up at me, her mouth slick and swollen from my kisses, her cheeks flushed, her hair clinging damply to her sweaty brow. “I’ve never…I need to touch myself to come.”

Her hand moved down and worked its way between our bodies, but I shifted my weight so I could grab her wrist, lift it up above her head until I could clasp it with my free hand. I shook my head, as I continued to watch her. “You’re going to come, baby, and I’m going to give it to you. That’s my job now.”

If she needed her clit played with, it was going to be my hand to do it. Shifting back slightly, I slipped my hand between us until I found that hard pearl and began to work it with my thumb.

Her eyes slipped shut as I felt her inner walls clench down on me. I couldn’t hold my orgasm back any longer. I’d waited all this time for her. Watching her, I could tell when she was close, could feel it, too. Her thighs tightened on my hips and her nipples pebbled even further against my chest.

Long deep strokes had me close, but it was her orgasm that had me coming with a groan. She practically milked the cum from my cock as she came all over me, my name a quiet gasp on her lips. I groaned at the pleasure, shifting my hips to eek every last bit of it from her body.

Breathing hard, I fell to my side, pulling her into me. My hand rested across her torso and perfectly placed, cupped her breast. This was my everything, right here, and there was no going back.

I should have resisted, but I was weak. I should have kept her at a distance, but I had no willpower. I should have kept her away from me and the problems my father brought me, and in turn, her, but I lost the battle. She was too strong of an opponent and while I'd given it my all, it seemed love came out the victor.


The sound of my cell vibrating against the bedside table had us stirring, but I ignored it. Instead, I reluctantly climbed from the bed and went to the bathroom to get rid of the condom. By the time I returned, Emory had pulled the sheet over her. I inwardly sighed at her modesty—there wasn’t a part of her I hadn’t seen—but was sweetly pleased by her continued innocence.

“You have no qualms about being naked, do you?” she asked, the corner of her mouth turning up toward a smile. Her eyes roved over my body and latched on to my groin. My cock stirred to life beneath her intent gaze and it made her eyes widen. “Already?” she asked with breathy surprise.

Placing one knee on the edge of the bed, I yanked the covers from her grip, ready to show her a few more ungentlemanly things, but my cell vibrated again.

“You should get that,” she told me. I was enjoying seeing the desire in her eyes.

I sighed, not wanting anything or anyone to get in the way of being with Emory, but ignoring the world didn’t mean it would go away.

I leaned and grabbed the phone. “Yeah.”

“I found him.” Reed.

I took my leg off the bed and turned away from Emory. I didn’t want the sight of her naked body, of her innocence, combined with any conversation about my dad.


“Atlantic City. He?

??s been there since Tuesday.”

Tags: Vanessa Vale Romance