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"That was so beautiful, baby. Take him. Take everything Tagg is going to give you. Then it will be my turn," Garrett said. His hand reached between Tagg and me to run over my breast. On one deep thrust of Tagg's cock, Garrett pinched my nipple. Hard. I cried out and shut my eyes against the mix of pleasure and pain.

They kept at me, pushing me, working my body in ways I never imagined. The pleasure I felt when they'd touched me in the kitchen had returned, this time even more intensely. "It's too much," I breathed, thrashing my head on the pillow. It was overwhelming. The need that I couldn't control, Tagg's intense claiming of my body, Garrett's strong presence and skill over my body. "I can't--"

"You can and you will," Tagg growled.

"You will come for us, Sarah." Garrett's words were accompanied by a slow tug on my nipple, stretching it taut, just like everything else in my body. I expected him to release the tip, but he didn't, keeping it painfully erect. Tagg shifted his hips and grabbed my knees, pushing them back toward my chest and wide, filling me even deeper. With one aggressive thrust he rubbed a spot deep inside me and I came. It was like falling off a cliff, soaring, soaring through the air. Weightless, mindless, completely free.

Through the rushing of blood in my ears, I heard Tagg's shout and felt him pulse deep inside me.

He slumped down upon me, but most of his weight still remained safely on his forearms, his damp forehead touching mine. Our rough breaths mingled. Slowly, he pulled out and I sucked in a breath at the emptiness I felt once he did so.


I couldn't wait any longer. I considered myself a patient man, but not when waiting to fuck my wife for the first time. She'd had two orgasms and I'd watched her both times. The look of panic just before she came, then the sheer pleasure of it overtaking her was an amazing sight. Seeing her face when Tagg took her maidenhead was something I would never forget. The surprise, the awareness, the succumbing.

Tagg sat back on his heels with a self-satisfied male grin that only came from a good fuck. "She's incredible, brother."

"My turn." The discomfort of waiting was turning into pain, my cock throbbing with the need to be buried deep inside her.

Tagg climbed off the bed and I took his place between her still spread thighs. Glancing down at her pussy, I could see Tagg's seed dripping out, her lips swollen and red, her clit still enlarged and hard. Carefully, I slipped a finger into her slick and creamy depths. She arched her back at the contact. Knowing the copious seed would ease my cock into her, I lifted her up and switched positions so I rested against the pillows on my back with Sarah straddling my waist.

She gasped in surprise at the change. Her hair fell about her like a copper waterfall.

"Ride me, baby."


"Put his cock in you and ride him like a horse," Tagg directed.

She looked aghast at the idea so I helped her along. Feeling her wet pussy against my belly was my undoing. Taking her by the hips, I lifted her up enough so my cock nudged her opening, then worked her down onto me, one slow inch at a time. She was so small I had to be careful. I was big and hard for her to take me as is, her face pinching at how I filled her, so I tilted her back until she sank onto me all the way.

I groaned at the hot fist clamping about my cock.

She cried out at being filled in this new position. When finally she was fully seated, I started moving her, teaching her what to do. In this position I could see her pussy spread open around my cock, her flat belly, her pert breasts, the arousal on her face.

Tagg knelt on the bed and got behind her, clearing her hair out of the way and nibbling and kissing her shoulder. His hands came up to work her breasts as she started to ride me, learning what made her feel good.

She was so wet, so hot, so tight, her moves so innocent and awkward, that I couldn't hold off my orgasm. It had been too long in coming. I felt the first tingles at the base of my spine, then my balls tightened and I jutted my hips up, thrusting as deep as I could, bottoming out against her womb as I filled her, over and over, with thick ropes of my seed. I couldn't help the groan that escaped my lips. She was heaven.

Sarah continued to lift and lower, even during my climax as Tagg whispered to her, tugged on her nipples, cupped her breasts. “Such a good girl. Your pussy's everything we could ever want. I can tell you're going to come again. I know your body already. That's it.”

She came on my cock, rippling around it, milking the last of the cum from my balls until I was empty. Completely replete. For now, fucking her was enough. Tomorrow, we'd teach her what it meant to be our wife.


I awoke to hair tickling my face. A soft, warm body lying atop me. A leg tangled between mine. Sarah. I came fully awake, and fully aroused, instantly. The sky was just starting to turn from black to gray with the dawn, the usual time we started the day. Since I'd carried her up the stairs the night before, I'd taken her directly to my bedroom. Once Sarah had fallen asleep, Garrett had gone to his room. She'd never fully roused after that final orgasm, curling up into my bed as if she belonged there. Which she did.

And now, I belonged back inside of her. Pulling myself out from beneath her, her fingers sliding over the short hairs on my chest, she slept on, flat on her stomach. Perfect. Not only was it time to take her again, it was also time to start her training. My cock jumped at the idea of both. I slid the sheet back to uncover her body, then left a trail of soft kisses down the indents of her spine. The dimples at her lower back beckoned and I kissed one, then the other. Sarah stirred and made a sound deep in her throat, but did not come awake.

Smiling to myself, I took hold of her thighs and spread her knees wide, making her pussy visible to my gaze. I could see dried seed tinged with blood on her thighs and coating the red curls. In this position, I could also see the little rosette of her ass. I'd fuck her pussy now, but after I'd tend to her ass. Without preamble, I lined my cock up with her opening, shifted my hips into place, then slowly worked my way in. She was so tight and my cock fit her like a hand in a glove, our seed still coating her and making her slick. As I filled her, she began to stir. Little sounds came from her throat, her hips began to shift and push back. When I was seated fully, I paused, savoring every hot inch of her.

It wasn't until I started to pull out, that the head of my cock caught on her spread lips, did she awaken. Her head came up, her green eyes clear and stunned. Glancing over her shoulder, her mouth fell open, not only in surprise, but in a gasp as I slid home once again.

"Morning, baby."

"Tagg, I--"

I gripped a hip, holding her in place as I began to take her with more vigor. My cock had a mind of its own and wanted--no, needed - to take her hard. The way she came up on her elbows and arched her back, I didn't feel the need to worry that I was too rough. When she pushed back against me, thrust for thrust and moaned, I took her even harder.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic