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"We know what you need. We'll take care of you," I said, starting to move my finger in and out. The thumb of my other hand found her hard nub and started to move in circles. As I added a second finger to fill her pussy, she cried out, her hips rotating in small circles. She was all but riding my hand. Tagg continued to pluck and pull at her nipples as he whispered dark, carnal things in her ear.

“Feel Garrett's fingers working your pussy. Soon that will be my cock. I'm going to take your maidenhead and make you all nice and slick for Garrett's turn. I can see your clit, so hard beneath his thumb. And your nipples, like raspberries in the summer. I can't wait to taste all of you.”

I felt her inner muscles start to ripple around my fingers, signaling her orgasm. "That's it, baby. Come for us."

All at once she tensed, as if frozen in place, her back arched, thrusting her breasts into Tagg's palms as she screamed. Her body milked my fingers, pulling them in until I could feel her maidenhead pressed against the tips. She was wet, soaking my hand as I continued to finger fuck her.

"So beautiful, baby."

When her pleasure finally ebbed, I slowly withdrew my fingers, lifted them up so Tagg could see the glistening wetness, before I licked them. She tasted so sweet, and my tastebuds all but begged for more. Her skin was coated with a sheen of perspiration. Tagg ran a hand over her head, brushing her damp hair back from her face, soothing her until she recovered.

"It's time to claim our bride."



I have no recollection of being carried upstairs, but when my senses returned, I was lying in the middle of a big bed with two men watching me, eager intent in their eyes. Tagg was undoing the buttons on his shirt and Garrett was naked--naked! - and touching that...thing...between his legs. Oh! It was so big and as he gripped it, moved his hand up and down the long length, it grew even more. That was supposed to go inside of me? Surely, that was not possible. Even as I had that thought, my inner muscles clenched in...anticipation and that spot, that place that Garrett rubbed with his thumb pulsed with renewed interest.

"Ever seen a cock before, baby?" Tagg asked, the last of the buttons coming undone.

My gaze raked over his body as he dropped the shirt to the floor, his broad chest now on display. I watched as he undid his belt, dropping his pants until he was as naked as his brother. I compared the two men. Garrett was fairer, the hair on his head almost white from the sun. He had a smattering of hair on his chest that was a few shades darker, and tapered to a narrow line below his navel and veered directly to his...oh! His hips were narrow and his legs, also covered with the darker hair, were solid and corded with tense muscle.

Tagg was taller, leaner and darker - darker skin, darker hair, and a darker gaze on my body. Both men stared at my breasts and lower as they both gripped themselves, working their long lengths. Tagg dropped his hand and walked to the side of the bed so I could see him up close. Garrett mimicked his brother's actions, but on the other side. Oh my!

"No," I whispered, finally answering Tagg's question, glancing from one to the other, intrigued and amazed by them both. Their...cocks were quite large, the flesh there ruddier than the rest of their bodies and almost angry in color. The nest of curls that Garrett's thrust from was fair while Tagg's was darker. Garrett was thicker with a broader tip, a similar build as the rest of him. Tagg's was longer, yet still overwhelming. I had no idea men had such things between their legs and I was able to see two of them. How did they expect this...mating to work? Did they expect to take turns?

"You're special, Sarah. You get two cocks, all for yourself," Tagg said, his voice husky. He put one knee on the bed and it dipped. "Let's get you ready."

"How?" I asked as he moved to kneel between my legs, nudging them open with his big hands. I pushed up on my elbows and tried to shift away, not wanting to be revealed to them in such an immodest way. "Tagg, please, no."

Garrett moved close to the edge of the bed, took my hand and placed it on his cock. It jumped and pulsed beneath my fingers and the surface was surprisingly soft and hot to the touch. He hissed out a breath as I ran my fingers over him. Intrigued as I was by his...cock, I forgot to worry about Tagg, but was quickly prompted to his attentions when I felt a hot wet stroke against that place between my thighs.

I looked down my body to see his head...there. "Tagg! You shouldn't--"

He gave another gentle lick and I felt a finger slip into my channel. "I should. Work Garrett's cock while I get you ready."

I turned my face to Garrett. His jaw was clenched tight as were his fists and his cock grew impossibly larger beneath my fingers. "I don't know...ah!"

Tagg was doing something that made my body arch off the bed, the feeling, the pleasure of it so intense my eyes rolled back in my head. I felt Garrett's hand cover mine as he moved them up and down his length. I felt wetness against my palm and saw the tip of his cock oozing a steady stream of a clear liquid. "See what you do to me, Sarah?"

I licked my lips, then my eyes slid shut for a moment because Tagg added as second finger to slip in and out of me. "Is it supposed"

"Yes," Garrett breathed. "It shows how ready I am for your pussy. I'm going to fill you with my seed, baby. After Tagg. We're going to fill you right up."

Tagg lifted his head, his chin glistening from...did I do that? "She's ready." Working his way up my body, Tagg planted his forearms on either side of my head and looked down at me with his blue eyes. Using a knee, he nudged my thigh wider and I felt him prodding at my entrance. "It's time to make you ours, baby. It might hurt a little when I take your maidenhead, but we'll make it better. I promise."

Lowering his head, he kissed me, his tongue sweeping in to claim me. I tasted myself on him, sweet and a little musky, which made the kiss ever so carnal. Knowing he'd been...down there, and had done things to me with his mouth was so dark. The kiss was meant as a distraction because before I could reconsider, his cock was already starting to fill me. I could feel myself opening, stretching to accommodate him.

I didn't even remember letting go of Garrett's cock when he said, "Look at me, baby." I turned my head toward his voice. He'd crouched down next to the bed so his face was close to mine. His pale eyes were lust-fil

led and focused solely on me. "I want to watch when Tagg fills you. He'll take your maidenhead, but I'll see your eyes when he does it."

I kept my gaze on Garrett, almost mesmerized by his intensity. He was practically devouring me with a look as Tagg shifted his hips and slid in a little more. My eyes widened at the intrusion, winced when he started filling me too full, but I didn't look away from Garrett.

"There it is, baby. My cock's hitting your barrier. Ah, you feel so good," Tagg crooned, then pushed through without any further preamble.

The pain was sharp and bright and my eyes widened at the way Tagg filled me completely. I cried out at the unexpectedness of him being so deep inside. Something flared in Garrett's eyes at my claiming, even as I shifted my hips to adjust. Tagg didn't give me much pause to acclimate and started to pull back, then thrust deep, slowly yet insistently.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic