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"You may let go now, baby," I said, my voice rough and deep.

Her fingers released their tight grip and her legs fell to the bed, her knees splayed wide. She hadn't opened her eyes. Her chest heaved, her nipples turning soft once again.

I pulled free and watched the copious amounts of seed seep out. She didn't move. Looking at her closely, I realized she was asleep. I couldn't help but smile. Naked, legs spread, pussy lips swollen and opened wide by my cock, hair all tangled. She was a beautiful mess.

Shifting her so she rested on a pillow, I climbed in next to her and pulled the quilt over us both. Having a wife was certainly not going to be the hardship I had expected. To the contrary, in fact.


I woke up disoriented and confused. I didn't know where I was. Something was wrong. I was in a bed, but it was dark and completely quiet except for the sound of the summer breeze. Both were normal, but the room smelled different, the bed felt different. I felt different.

Soft breathing came from beside me and, everything that had happened the day before quickly returned. I was married to Mr. Bridger. I was in his bed. And I'd awoken because my skin was hot and sensitive against the soft sheets. My nipples were tight. My pussy throbbed. My th

ighs were slippery wet, but it wasn't from the ointment Mr. Bridger had applied the night before. I clenched down on the plug in my ass, the action sending tremors through my body and I moaned and turned my face into the pillow to stifle it.

Mr. Bridger sat up. I could barely see him, but knew he was looking down at me. "What's wrong, baby?"

He ran a hand up my arm and I felt goose bumps rise. "There's...there's something wrong with me."

"Are you sick?" he asked, his voice worried. I heard the light of a match, then the room filled with a soft light from the flicker of the bedside lamp.

I thrashed beneath the sheets. "Not the way you mean. I...I need--"

"Ah, you're not sick, you're in heat." He pulled the sheet down from my body and looked his fill, his dark eyes intent upon my breasts, then lower to my shaved pussy. "Look at you. So beautiful."

"I'm in...what?" I arched my back off the bed as I tried to rub my thighs together.

"In heat. It's what happens to a woman after she marries. It's your body saying you belong to me. You need me to fuck you. You'd like that, wouldn't you, baby?"

I opened my eyes slowly and looked up into my husband's face. His jaw was covered in dark stubble a shade or two darker than the tousled mop on his head. His shoulders were so broad. The dark hair sprinkled across his belly tapered into a thin line that worked its way down to his cock, which was very awake. Was it always so huge? If he hadn't fucked me earlier, I would have questioned whether it would fit. The head was mushroom shaped and an angry red color, fluid oozing from the tip.

I couldn't help but lick my lips at the sight and felt a new flood of juices seep from me. I craved his cock. "Oh yes, please, Mr. Bridger."

"My name is Sam and you can call me that, although I do like the sound of you saying ‘Mr. Bridger’ as I fuck you."

The feelings were intolerable. I knew the only way for them to subside was to come, just as Mr. Bridger had taught me. I had the plug in my ass, but that wasn't enough. I needed him in my pussy. I turned and positioned myself just as I'd been earlier when he'd fucked me, my hands holding my knees apart and back. Yes, I was exposing myself, offering myself. I didn't care. He'd shown me he liked me this way, made it safe and acceptable for me to open myself thusly. "Please, Mr. Bridger. I need you fuck me."

"Such a good girl, presenting yourself to me." His dark gaze narrowed as I showed him my most intimate of places. "Oh, you're so wet," he murmured, running a finger through the wetness coating my thighs.

"Is that normal?" I asked.

"Baby, you're always going to be wet for me now. Everyone's going to know because there's going to be a big damp spot on the back of all your skirts."

I wanted to feel embarrassed, but I didn't care at the moment. That was a problem for later. Now, now I just needed to come.

"Roll over, baby, onto your belly, knees tucked under."

I gave him a questioning look, but didn't argue. My nipples tightened at the feel of the sheet as they pressed into the mattress.

"Knees wider. Yes, just like that. I'm going to fuck you, but I don't think you're quite ready."

I glanced back at him over my shoulder. Had he lost his mind? If he didn't fill me up I was going to scream. "I'm ready. Please, I'm ready."

He shook his head. "You don't decide that, Devney. Would you rather wait until morning?"

My eyes widened. "What? No."

"Then do as I say. If you please me, then I will pleasure you. I promise."

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic