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I could only nod.

"Good girl. Now grab hold of the plug in your ass and pull it out some. I want to watch you fuck your ass first."

"Oh, I can't, Mr. Bridger." It was one thing to have him do it, while he was fucking me, but having me do it to myself while he just watched?

He shrugged nonchalantly. "That's fine. We can wait until morning."

"No!" I reached behind me and found the hard, wide end of the plug. I tugged on it, feeling my ring of muscle stretch and burn as I opened up for the wooden object. I gasped as I stretched to the girth of the plug.

"Good girl. Now fuck your ass with it."

I pressed my face into the cool mattress as I lifted my hips to reach better. Slowly, I pushed the plug in, then out, rubbing that tight ring in both directions. I could feel my pussy clamp down on nothing as it craved Mr. Bridger's cock. I worked the plug harder. It didn't exactly hurt, but it was uncomfortable, yet there was some kind of intense feelings that were building from the rubbing. There. These sensations made me fuck my ass faster. It was different than Mr. Bridger's cock in my pussy, the feelings sharper. Regardless, it was working. The need that woke me up grew, built and took me toward my release. If I worked my ass enough, I might...might be able to come. I started to pant; fucking my ass was hard work.

"Enough," Mr. Bridger growled. "Push it back in all the way."

I didn't hesitate to do so and Mr. Bridger's hand nudged mine out of the way. He moved above me; I could feel the hair on his chest tickling my back, could feel his breath on my nape, could smell his clean, virile scent surrounding us. His cock nudged at the entrance to my pussy and I shifted my hips back, pushing the head in just just enough to stretch the opening and tease me.

"So greedy, baby," he murmured against my ear as he thrust deep. Hard.

I screamed and came. Right then. There was no preamble, no working myself up. I'd done that while I'd been asleep, then while I fucked my own ass with a plug. Just having Mr. Bridger's big cock stuffing me full sent me hurtling over this precipice. Sheer heaven.

I reveled in my release as Mr. Bridger fucked me as if he were a stallion mounting a mare. I could do nothing but take it. Take everything he gave me. Which was pleasure. He came with a loud groan, his cock thrust deep as I felt him pulse within. As I fell asleep folded just as he'd placed me, I realized he'd been right. When I pleased him, he gave me such pleasure as I hadn't even known before.


I awoke to the sound of horses - hooves against the ground and the snorting and blowing. Directly thereafter, the sound of voices drifted down the hall, presumably from the large main room. Sitting up, I felt the plug press into my ass so I quickly shifted up onto my knees, crawled to the edge of the bed, then stood. Hearing Mr. Bridger--Sam--in conversation with someone had me searching for something to cover myself. I had no clothes; Sam had purchased some items at the mercantile, but I didn't see them. This didn't surprise me. Two days ago I'd been on the ranch with Sarah, ready to live quietly and alone. Now, I was married to a man I barely knew, had done all kinds of carnal and wanton things, things I didn't even know were possible. They'd been unimaginable. Until now.

This wasn't what was so troublesome. I glanced down my body to see Sam's dried seed on my thighs, my pussy bare and completely smooth. I had a plug in my ass that was a constant distraction. My body elicited a gamut of new feelings: heat, desire, arousal, pleasure, frustration, need. There was something clearly wrong with me. I'd woken up in the middle of the night, my body frantic for release. And to get it, I'd done what Sam had said and fucked my own ass with a plug! I'd been so desperate for it that I hadn't fought his commands. Even now, only hours later, I could feel how wet my pussy was. Why was it doing that? It never had before. Surely, this was not normal. The constant craving for what only Sam could give me had to be extremely abnormal.

I watched as my nipples tightened at the direction of my thoughts. I squeezed my thighs together in the off chance it would help with the ache that was quickly building again. Why was it so warm? I felt a sheen of sweat coat my brow. Perhaps I could touch myself as I had yesterday, rub myself just as Sam had to make me come. It would feel so good and I could do it quietly and he'd never know. He'd recognized I'd touched myself yesterday when he saw I was red and swollen, but now, my pussy was already in that condition. My pleasure could be disguised. Hidden.

Listening carefully, I could only hear a murmur of voices, which meant Sam was occupied elsewhere. Furtively, I glanced at the closed door

, then tossed the blanket back onto the bed and quickly laid back down. I spread my legs like I had on the doctor's table and put my hand to my pussy. It was slippery and hot to the touch. Quickly, I found the swollen nub that was the source of my pleasure and began to rub it, back and forth, then found a light circular motion that felt so good. I lifted my hips and I reached my other hand between my thighs so I could slip one, then two fingers deep within my pussy.

I was so lost in the pleasure of my fingers that I didn't hear the door open. "Such a pretty sight," Sam said from the doorway.

My eyes flew open and my hands jerked away from my body. Sam came over and sat on the side of the bed. "Do you need to come, baby?" he asked, his gaze raking over by spread legs.

I could only nod as I felt like a small child caught with a hand in a cookie jar.

"Your orgasms are mine, Devney." He lifted one of my hands and licked the sticky wetness from my fingers. "So sweet. If you want to come, you must find me. Doing it like this, being sneaky about it, calls for correction."

I yanked my hand out of his hold and sat up. "Correction?"

He stood, helped me to my feet. "Come. Since you don't know what my expectations are, I will show you. But first, my brother and his wife are here and I want you to meet them."

Leading me to the door, he meant for me to remain unclothed. "Sam, I'm...I'm undressed."

He looked me over. "Yes, and your clothes are on the table in the other room." I had no choice but to follow him out to the main room, the wood floor cool beneath my bare feet.

"Jake and Catherine, this is my wife, Devney."

I froze in place, using my hands to cover myself. Mortified, I moved to stand behind Sam. "No, I can't meet them like this! I need my clothes. They can see everything."

Sam took my hand and led me over to the dining table. He pointed at the hard surface. "Bend over."

I looked at him, confused. "Why?"

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic