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My mouth fell open for a second before I burst out with a laugh. There was no way this was coincidence. “Wow, you brought me back to your hotel for dinner? Someone was feeling awfully sure of himself tonight.”

“We both were,” Cooper said, his hand gripping my elbow and steering me toward an elevator bank.

“Do you guys really think I’m that easy?” I was teasing but they must have caught the underlying insecurity in my tone because they both came to a stop and turned to me. Rory cupped my face in the palm of his hand, his eyes darkening with intensity.

“Easy? Hell, no. Seven years of wondering where you were is pretty hard-to-get. We have the highest respect for you, sweets. Don’t ever forget that.” He dropped a light kiss on my lips and a ridiculous wave of emotions had tears stinging the back of my eyes.

“There’s no denying the chemistry between the three of us,” he continued. “We all feel the connection. You aren’t a quick fuck. You’re it for us.”

I longed to hear those words, but they scared the crap out of me. I nodded though, because I had to admit they were right. We did have chemistry, although it was more like TNT. I wasn’t so sure I was it for them, though. I didn’t want to give them false hope. They watched me now with such sweet concern, clearly still worried I felt disrespected. But I didn’t. No, I felt wanted and when when Rory stepped close, pressed the hard length of his cock against my side, I felt very wanted. My pussy clenched again in anticipation.

I was doing this. I’d live the rest of my life with regret if I didn’t.

Now that I’d made my decision, I was all in. This was what I wanted. They were what I wanted. I’d have my one night of bliss and then I’d send them on their way. That same bittersweet pang made my heart ache, but I ignored it as I smiled up at them. “If this connection is so strong, what the hell are we waiting for?”

Cooper let out a short laugh and linked my arm through his once more so he could lead me toward the elevator, Rory following close behind. Rory hit the number for his floor and both men turned to face me.

Oh holy hell. I’d forgotten how intense they could be, how overwhelming it was when they both looked at me like that. Like I was the sun and the moon and an all-you-could-eat buffet all in one. The adoration in their eyes was humbling. And that ravenous hunger…well, I was certain they saw the same in my gaze.

“I don’t think I can wait till we get to the room to get my hands on this sweet body,” Cooper said, his voice a rough growl. “How about you, Rory?”

Rory shook his head slowly, his eyes fastened on me. Reaching up, he brushed my hair back, tucked it behind my ear. That, followed by a gentle caress of his knuckles down my exposed cheek making my eyes fall closed. “Nope. We’ve been waiting too long. I definitely can’t wait any longer. And you got a taste of that pussy,” he grumbled, clearly mad that Cooper had licked my arousal from his fingers and Rory hadn’t.



They moved in closer—I felt their body heat radiating off them—and I fought for air as their meaning struck. My eyes flew up and I was in a mild panic. “Here? You guys, we’re in an elevator. You can’t go down on me here.” I glanced at the brushed nickel walls. “We could be caught.”

“Just another taste,” Cooper murmured.

The rest of my protests flew out of my mind as his lips found the sensitive skin behind my ear. My head fell back against the elevator wall and my lips parted. Rory took advantage, licking at my lower lip before thrusting his tongue into my mouth, making me moan. This was what I remembered, the feel of them surrounding me, possessing me. And we were fully clothed in an elevator. What was it going to feel like once we were in bed and naked?

Their hands were everywhere, skimming over my legs and hips, cupping my ass, and massaging my breasts. I was whimpering by the time the elevator came to a stop with a ding. I straightened quickly, terrified that other passengers were about to get on, but when the doors slid open, Rory stepped back and gestured for me to step off first. I was impressed at how civilized he became from one second to the next. “This is my floor.”

The moment his hotel room door closed behind us though, we were at it again, this time with a desperation that was heady and overwhelming. I fumbled with their clothes as they continued their kissing and nibbling. I only had two hands to strip two hard bodies and made a sound of frustration against Rory’s lips. He pulled back and I managed to say, “I need to see you.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Cooper said with a sly grin.

They made quick work of shedding their clothes. Rory pulled a condom from the pocket of his pants and tossed it on the bed. Good, while I had an IUD, I remembered last time and knew exactly how virile they were. I took a step away from them so I could take it in, this mouthwatering array of brawn and muscle. Rory stood before me in nothing, his cock long and thick and pointing straight at me. A dark and dangerous gleam shone in his eyes as he waited for me to look my fill. There was no embarrassment—he had zero modesty it seemed, but it was no wonder with his military-honed physique. He looked like he was tensed, ready to pounce. I just had to curl my finger.

But I wanted to see Cooper, too. To take in the men they’d become, every bare, hard inch. He’d shed his pants, but was lingering over his button down shirt. His earlier bravado seemed to have faded. I went over to help him and for a second he froze when my hands went to push the shirt over his broad shoulders. I saw something I hadn’t expected. Worry. Apprehension. “Fair warning, sweets. I’m not the man I was.”

I frowned, expecting him to say more, but he didn’t. Because of this, I waited, my hands poised in the air until he nodded, to give me consent to see something he wanted hidden. Letting out a long sigh as the shirt dropped, I quickly saw why he’d hesitated. Scars covered his left arm and upper chest. These weren’t marks of a small wound or childhood injury. No, this was a remnant of war. Battle. Evil. By the size and number of scars, he was lucky to be alive.

My chest squeezed painfully at the visible sign of all the pain he’d suffered. He hadn’t told me much, just skimmed over what had happened to him at dinner. Said he’d been in an accident which is why he was discharged from the military, but he didn’t tell me the extent. I just assumed the information was classified or something. Not this. He didn’t want to tell me he’d almost given his life for his country.

I wasn’t letting this get between us, to affect what we had. To me, he was perfect. I was attracted to him, scars and all.

I touched him gently, tentatively, felt the thick edges of the scarring, the way it was pink and tender looking beside his unmarred tan skin. But then he grabbed my hand and pressed it to his chest, telling me without words that my touch didn’t hurt him. They might give him physical pain, but it was obvious he hadn’t recovered from the emotional pain of his accident. I leaned in and kissed one of the scars and heard his quick intake of air before his hands tangled in my hair and held me close, his lips pressing against the side of my head.

I didn’t care about the scars, only that he’d endured so much pain from them. I saw him, not the healed wounds. They only showed that he’d survived, that he’d been brave and strong. They were badges of honor and I kissed each one.

“I’m wet for you,” I admitted. He sucked in a breath at my bold words. “You felt it. If you don’t believe my words, believe my body, my desire.”

He groaned then, pulling me in to him, all the tension seeping out of him. Rory came up behind me and Cooper eased his grip, but tilted my head up so he could claim my mouth.

I felt the emotion, the need in that kiss. He’d been worried I’d think less of him and I felt all of his concerns melt away as his mouth moved over mine, as his tongue plunged deep, just as I hoped his cock would soon enough. But they seemed to have no interest to take me fast. Dammit. I wiggled, rubbing back and forth against both of them. I heard a growl from Rory, but they didn’t take the hint and toss me on the bed and fuck me senseless.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Bridgewater County Erotic