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One night didn’t seem like nearly enough with these two—it hadn’t been seven years ago—but it was the best I could ever hope for. I could never have more than that—not without risking Lily’s stability and everything we’d built. But I could have tonight. A taste of the kind of passion my life was currently missing. The man-induced orgasms. Being with Rory and Cooper again and giving me enough fantasy fodder to last me another seven years.

Cooper’s hand slid up beneath my dress so both men had a proprietary grip on inner thighs, forcing me to part my legs slightly to accommodate. I glanced about to see if anyone took notice of what was happening beneath our table, but no one was paying us any attention.

Rory moved first, his fingers inching up until they brushed against my panties, making me gasp. Then C

ooper followed his lead until they were both stroking me through the soaking wet material.

I took a quick glance around the restaurant but no one was looking our way and the tablecloth obscured what was going on underneath.

Cooper and Rory shared a quick grin as Rory said, “Now there’s no way you can deny that you’re tempted by the offer.” He leaned in, whispered, “You’re dripping wet and now we both know it.”

Cooper made a little growl and I flicked my gaze to his. Yes, that was the look I remembered. Intense, but the slight turn of his lips promised fun, too.

I bit my lip to hold back a moan as one of his fingers slipped beneath the silky material of my panties and between the folds of my pussy. It was almost impossible to keep from moaning and calling attention to our table. When his fingers slipped inside of me, my hips bucked involuntarily trying to get closer. Heat flared through me. Cooper made a soothing sound like he was dealing with a startled colt as his fingers found my clit and stroked it mercilessly.

I didn’t remember it feeling like this in the back of the pick-up. Oh God. Oh holy shit. My guys were going to make me come in the middle of a freaking restaurant.

I jerked my chair back so quickly the tables next to us finally took notice. My breath came in gasps and I was fairly certain my face was so flushed it must have looked like I’d just run a marathon.

Rory and Cooper were smirking but the look in their eyes was heated. They weren’t unaffected.

Cooper lifted his fingers to his mouth, licked them, one by one.

They knew how quickly I’d responded, how needy I was, how badly I wanted this.

How wet I was.

I was practically shaking with pent up desire and it was messing with my mind. For the life of me, I couldn’t remember why I was fighting them on this. Why didn’t I want them to make me come? I obviously didn’t want to do so in the middle of the restaurant, but in a bed, with one of them on either side of me? My pussy was more than eager. It ached to be filled by their thick cocks. I ached to be touched. Why didn’t I want to spend a hot night with them?

It was just one night. My ovaries were jumping for joy at the idea, my nipples hard points, my panties ruined. What could it hurt? Well, it could hurt my heart, but I wanted a night. I wanted them again. I wanted to relive what we’d had, what we’d shared, even if it was going to be over in the morning.

I wanted Cooper’s fingers again. Their cocks. Their mouths. Everything.

“Okay,” I said, licking my lips as nerves made my mouth go dry.



Oh God, I was doing this. I was really going to do this. My pussy clenched at what was going to happen, what they were going to do. I remembered that one night, but we’d only been eighteen then. Now? Now, I had to make sure I didn’t black out when they made me come, because what they’d done with their fingers beneath the table? That was just the beginning.

I moved my chair back some more so I could stand. Ever the gentlemen, they made a move to stand as well but I stopped them with the palm of my hand. I saw a mix of frustration and understanding in their gazes. They were just as eager as I was but I doubted they had butterflies in their stomachs like me. No, they had hard dicks in their pants. “Just…just give me a minute.”

When I reached the waiting area I stopped to catch my breath before calling Aunt Sarah, fumbling with the phone to do so. I was all wound up, nervous, flustered. A hot, horny mess. I told her I was having fun and might be home late. Much to my chagrin, she sounded way too excited about that, even happily offering to put Lily to bed and read her the nightly story. She must have insisted ten times that I shouldn’t feel the need to rush home tonight, or even tomorrow morning.

She knew what I was going to do and giving me the go-ahead. She wanted me to get it on with a date, or two. That was pretty embarrassing—my life was clearly dull to observers if Aunt Sarah was all but pushing me into sleeping around. She was actively encouraging me to have sex!

No, I wasn’t sleeping around. I was sleeping with Rory and Cooper. These weren’t strangers I picked up in a bar. They were the two I’d wanted my whole life. I was doing this. I was going to take those two hot cowboys for a ride.

I hurried back to the table, eagerness and excitement making me tremble in a whole new way. Rory was signing the check when I reached them. They stood and Rory came to my side, put his hand at the small of my back and led me toward the door.

“What about dessert?” I teased.

“You’re our dessert.” Rory’s low voice right next to my ear gave me goosebumps and had my thoughts switching to them licking me. Everywhere.

I glanced at Cooper in confusion when they were steering me away from the exit that led to the parking lot. “Where are you taking me?”

Cooper grinned, the corner of his mouth tipped up. I had to wonder why he had interest in me when he turned women’s heads everywhere he went with that smile. It was like a woman-magnet and no woman in a thirty foot radius was immune, me included. “This restaurant adjoins our hotel. We’re going up to Rory’s room.”

Tags: Vanessa Vale Bridgewater County Erotic