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“Oh god…fuck,” I moaned, unable to hold back. I could keep nothing from them, especially my pleasure when they were so intent, touching me, licking me, working me to the brink, then over.

I screamed, cried out their names, tangled my fingers in their hair.

I lost track of how long it went on. If they were trying to show me how much I was adored…well, mission accomplished. As the orgasm faded, I wasn’t sure if any woman had ever been so lavishly sucked and licked and fondled and fingered. They kept going even after I came, my pussy throbbing under Declan’s mouth, my ass clenching around his thumb, wanting more, wanting deeper. After I came the second time, I finally called a halt. Well, I didn’t ask them to stop, exactly…

“Fuck me,” I begged. “I need to be fucked. By both of you. Please.”

Those were the magic words.

I was a boneless mass of jelly but when Declan ordered me on all fours I managed to turn over with a little help from my men. Cole settled back on the bed, head on the pillows, Declan came around behind me.

“Do you trust us, darlin’?” Cole asked, his hand lifting to my cheek to stroke it. My breasts hung down, heavy and achy, the tips hard and a little sore from his ardent attentions.

With one playful smack on my ass, I startled, felt my breasts sway.

“Answer him, Hannah,” Declan said. He leaned over me and I felt the hot length of his chest press against my back. “Do you trust us?”

“Yes,” I replied quickly. There was no reason to delay. I did. I trusted them. Completely. With all of me.

“You want to take us both?” he asked, his lips brushing over my shoulder. A shiver slid down my spine. “I’ll be in your ass and Cole deep in your pussy.”

“Yes,” I breathed.

Cole grinned and crooked his finger and I lifted my knee up and over his hips so I was straddling him. Gripping his cock in my hand, I stroked him once, then again before rising up and aligning that flared tip to my entrance.

He gripped my wrist. “Condom, darlin’.” He bit those words out through clenched teeth, knowing he was as eager as I.

I shook my head, bit my lip, released my hold on his cock, which had me lowering onto him, one delicious, big inch at a time. “I’m on the pill.”

Cole groaned. “Fuck, Hannah. I’ve never—”

His words were cut off when I lifted up, then dropped down on him, taking him all the way.

“—gone bare before.”

He felt good without any latex separating us. It was all Cole, all sensation.

“I haven’t either, but if this is the real deal, then I want nothing between us.”

“Christ, that’s hot,” Declan said, his hand sliding down my back.

“Come here. Give me a kiss.” Cole hooked my neck and pulled me down. His mouth was soft, sweet and gentle, completely at odds to what we’d been doing. I felt the love in this, the way his hips lifted and lowered, gently, as if enjoying every moment of us being bare.

I heard the squirt of the lube, the sound of Declan’s hand sliding up and down his cock. His coated fingers slipped through my crack and over the hole he was going to soon enter. I was ready for him, he’d made sure of it.

“Me too, sweetheart. Nothing between us,” Declan told me as I felt the broad head of his cock pressing against me.

Angled down as I was, he was in perfect alignment to fuck me, so they could both fuck me. Together.

Cole let me up, but held the back of my neck gently. I saw the dark desire in his gaze. “Easy, let Dec in.”

I gave him a slight nod and I just stared into his eyes as Declan took hold of my hip, began to press more and more.

“Push back, Hannah. Good. Again. Yes, breathe. I’m almost—”

I groaned when Declan stretched me open and then popped past the resisting ring of muscle.

“Oh my god,” I breathed. There was a burn, but not too bad. They’d prepared me well, but I had no idea it would be like this. I was so full, the feelings so intense. No, it was more than intense, it made tears come to my eyes. I felt vulnerable and powerful all at the same time. I’d never been this open, this exposed to anyone before. This had to be the most intimate thing, ever. Yet I felt powerful. I was the one connecting us. I was the one who made us, not a couple, but perhaps the start of a family. I was the center. The heart of it.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Bridgewater County Erotic