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The looks on their faces was something I’d never seen before. It wasn’t lust. It wasn’t anger. It was…adoration. Reverence. Love.

“You want this with us, Hannah?” Declan asked. “Everything?”

I took a deep breath, felt so dang happy. Brad was gone. I had no worries looming. No looking over my shoulder. Only the future.

With them.

“Yes. I want everything with you. But…”

“But?” Cole asked.

“But I don’t want babies right now. I’d like to take over for Dr. Murphy first.”

They both nodded. “No babies now. That doesn’t mean we can’t practice.” Cole grinned and Declan winked.

I laughed. “Yes, let’s practice.”

With that, Declan put his hand on my sternum, gently pushed me back. My skirt had fallen back down and Cole worked it up to my hips again.

“Pretty panties,” he said, his voice deep. My nipples hardened at the change in tone. Yes, I loved it when they took charge. “Take them off.”



I did as I was told, shimmying out of them as they watched. I loved having their eyes on me. Knowing these men, these big cowboys were mine, made my heart swell, and my pussy get wet.

Declan spread my uniform wide and undid the front clasp of my bra so my breasts were bare. “Spread your legs for us,” he ordered. “Show us that pretty pussy of yours.”

“No, of ours.” Cole’s gaze slid up my body to look at me. I saw the scorching heat and nothing else. “That pussy belongs to us, doesn’t it, Hannah?”

I bit my lip to keep from whimpering as I nodded and slowly opened my legs. When they remained quiet and Declan just arched a ginger brow, I spread them wider. I knew I was wet and by the way Cole made a little possessive sound in his throat, he saw it.

“Play with your breasts,” Cole said as he climbed onto the bed, unfastening his jeans in the process. His eyes didn’t leave me.

“Show us how you like it,” Declan urged. I remembered he’d said the same thing before, that first night in the truck and it had scared me. Now, I was scared they wouldn’t like what they saw, especially since I’d been wearing the drab uniform. But when I saw Cole’s big cock spring free as he pushed down his boxers, I let go of all my worries. I cupped my breasts, loving the way the men couldn’t take their eyes off me. I rolled my nipples between my thumb and finger. Cole reached my side and gently moved my hands aside. He took over, leaned down so his mouth covered one hard tip and sucked…hard. His hand cupped the other, played with it.

I cried out and arched my back as he continued to pinch and suck. He wasn’t gentle, but I didn’t want him to be. This attention made me forget about everything but my men. They were tending to me, taking care of me. Loving me.

My eyes fell closed as I reveled in the sweet torture, but I was dimly aware of movement at the foot of the bed. I was taken by surprise when Declan grasped my thighs and spread them apart even further until my legs were as wide as they could go. Then he buried his face between them, his mouth on my pussy, licking along the slit, then parting me with his fingers so he could circle my entrance. The scruff of his five o’clock shadow chafed my inner thighs in the most delicious way possible, adding to the sweet pain that Cole was inflicting on my nipples. Declan’s tongue lapped at my clit and a finger slipped inside me, curling over my g-spot.

I had one hand tangled in Cole’s hair and another holding the back of Declan’s head, pressing them both to me as I writhed beneath them, thrusting my hips up for more whenever Declan’s tongue left my pussy and moaning my displeasure when Cole released one nipple for the other. Jesus, I never wanted them to stop.

But they did. Declan lifted his head and I looked down my bare body to see him. His eyes were a stormy blue, his lips wet and glistening from my juices. “If this pussy belongs to us, then this virgin ass does, too.”

He turned his wrist, left his fingers inside me, but brushed his thumb over that sensitive opening.

I bucked at the feel. My clit was swollen and achy, his fingers still in my pussy. And now this.

“Shh, easy,” he said.

I let my head fall back as he continued to play. To circle, to press in.

At first I fought him, my body’s instinctive reaction to keep him out. But when he lowered his head again, his tongue working over my clit, I sighed, let everything go lax. It was then that I flowered open and his thumb slipped in.

I heard the lid on the bottle of lube, but I didn’t open my eyes. His thumb slipped back and I felt a cool little dribble as he pressed back in, taking the lubricant with it, again and again, adding more and more as he went in deeper.

I was so slippery there that it wasn’t painful. Yes, there was a slight burn, a stretching, but it also felt so good. Cole had returned to playing with my breasts and I now appreciated the perks of two mouths and four hands. The things they could do…

Tags: Vanessa Vale Bridgewater County Erotic