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“I do not,” she sputtered.

“Then why are you still over my desk? Why are you pushing your ass out for more?” I spanked her again, nice and easy. We were overwhelming her enough. But she sure as fuck wasn’t thinking about anything but us right now.

She stilled then and she whimpered once more, realizing I was right.

I spanked her five more times, the last so I nudged the gem handled plug.

“Good girl. You should see how beautiful she is, Jack.”

She was. So hot, so sweet, so submissive. Perfect.

“You’ll have to show me later, sweetness, how pretty you look with that plug in your ass. Now I want to listen to you come. I’m going to come all over my hand when you do.”

With gentle fingers, I slipped through her dripping folds, slid into her pussy. She pushed back, fucking herself. “Want to come, Katie?”


“With my fingers or my cock?”

“Your cock, please.”

As I undid my pants, grabbed the condom off the desk and slipped it on in record time. If she wanted my cock, I wasn’t going to deny her.

Gripping a hip, I aligned myself to her slick entrance and slid in. With the plug, it was a tight fit, but she was so wet for me I filled her in one long stroke.

“Oh god,” she groaned.

When my hips were pressed against her heated ass, I leaned down over her. We were completely dressed except for the important parts. It was the most erotic fuck of my life and I doubted I’d ever get any work done at this desk ever again.

“Feel good, doll?”

She nodded her head.

“How’s it feel to be fucked with a plug in your ass?” Jack asked. “Imagine what it’ll be like when that’s my cock instead? Sam in your pussy and me taking you there. Both of us.”

His words had me close to coming. I wanted to fuck her with my cousin, to claim her completely. Make her ours.

“Yes,” she whispered.

I took her then, deep strokes, slow at first, watching her face, seeing her pleasure in her profile. When I was sure she could handle more, I fucked harder, deeper. Rougher.

“This is so dirty,” she said, her voice rough with her need.

With one hand pressed into the desk, I reached around and found her clit, all hard and swollen for me.

“Time to come, doll. Come for me. Come for Jack who’s listening on the phone.”

She did, on command, and wasn’t quiet about it. Her inner walls clenched down like a fist, so tight and hard that I couldn’t hold back.

“Fuck,” I growled as I plunged deep one last time, lost in her, the pleasure of the orgasm. It stole my mind, my cum as it filled the condom, making me wish the latex barrier wasn’t between us. I wanted to take her bare, to coat her with cum and mark her as mine. But it wasn’t my right yet. Soon, but not until she belonged to us.

I heard Jack grunt through the phone, knew he, too, came.

Gripping the base of the condom, I carefully pulled out as Katie lay slumped on the desk, her breathing ragged, her eyes closed.

“Later, Jack,” I said, hitting the button on the phone to disconnect. “Come on, doll. We've got to meet the Realtor.” After wrapping the used condom in a tissue and tossing it in the trash, I fixed myself, zipping up my pants and tucking in my shirt.

Slumped over the desk, she looked so mussed, so well fucked. I was getting hard again just looking at her. Slowly, she came up onto her elbows, her breasts thrusting enticingly over her bra and out from her blouse's opening as she caught her breath. “What?”

Tags: Vanessa Vale Bridgewater County Erotic