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He paused and she didn’t move.

“Or, you can take that plug, take your punishment and take a good hard fucking.”

She lifted up on her palms. “The plug is punishment?”

With a hand on her back, I pressed her down to her elbows, then reached around to grab the plug and lube.

“Hell no. The plug’s for your pleasure.”

“I don’t think something in my ass is going to make me feel good.”

“Ever tried it?”

She shook her head.

“Never had that ass fucked?” Jack asked, since he couldn’t see her little head shake.

“No,” she said.

Jack’s growl came through loud and clear.

“Get that ass prepared, Sam.”

She startled at the sound of the lube’s lid opening. With a few drops on my fingers, I slid them over her folds, then settled on her crinkled—and virgin—asshole.

“Shh, doll. Only pleasure.”

Her body stiffened as I circled my finger, so very gently. I continued until she relaxed, until she began to wiggle her hips. I doubted she even knew she was doing it. Only then did I apply a touch of pressure. Placing the little bottle above, I squeezed a few more drops and then pressed inward.

“Sam!” she cried and I was sure Jack could hear her ragged breathing.

“Do you know what I’m doing over here, sweetness?” Jack asked.

I slid in and out, but only to the first knuckle, adding more and more lube. I wanted her to be super slick before I put the small plug in, knowing it would slide in nice and easy.

“I’m standing in the tack room stroking my cock. Just knowing how you’re taking Sam’s finger has my balls drawn up.”

Katie whimpered and dropped her head down onto her forearms.

I took that as a sign and pulled out, quickly coated the plug and pressed it against her. “Deep breath, doll. That’s it, let it out nice and slow.”

As she did, I slipped that plug right in, her passage so slick and ready. When it was seated, I gave it a gentle tug and her head came up, my name a shout on her lips. I couldn’t help the grin.

“Like that? You should see it, Jack. The plug is in perfectly. The little jeweled end is all pink and sparkly.”

It was a decorative plug, a pink faux gem in the wide flange.

“Just as pink as her pussy?” Jack asked.

“Yup, and in just a minute, just as pink as her ass. Ready for your punishment, doll?”

She looked over her shoulder at me. “Punishment? But…” She sputtered when I stroked my hand over her upturned butt cheek, then gave it a little swat.

“No panties,” Jack said.

“But you only said you’d take them away.”

“It’s just a reason to spank you,” I said, giving her another swat and watching as my handprint bloomed as pink as her plug. “We learned last night how much you like it.”

Tags: Vanessa Vale Bridgewater County Erotic