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Perhaps he was a mind reader because he crooked a finger and I crawled across the bed toward him. I looked up at him through my lashes, his cock bobbing right in front of my face.

He gripped the base, stroked it once. “That's all for you. That pre-cum is for you. Lick it up.”

His voice was dark and dominant and I knew that I was not in charge here. I was not in control. For the first time in… ever I was okay with that. I didn't need to think. I didn't need to worry about anything. We were going places tonight that I could only dream of, and then even further. I needed to let them guide me. If he wanted his cock in my mouth, that was fine with me.

As he held his cock for me, I licked the head like a lollipop, the sharp taste of his fluid coating my tongue. He groaned and it made me feel powerful. Opening wide, I took the head into my mouth. He was big. Holy hell, I couldn't take all of him. I'd heard of women taking a man's cock down her throat. That wasn't happening with Jack.

I felt the bed dip behind me and Sam's hand stroked down my spine. I sighed and closed my eyes at the decadent feel of it. A sharp swat to my ass had my eyes widening.

“Don't stop sucking Jack's cock, doll.”

I pulled off him and looked over my shoulder at Sam. He grinned as he slid his hand from where he was caressing the spot he'd spanked and between my legs. “That look's going to get you fucked.”

I didn't think it was possible to get any wetter, but I could feel it on my thighs, hear the sound of it as Sam's fingers continued to move. I shifted my hips, beginning to ride his fingers, but he spanked me again.

“Oh no, you don't. Suck Jack's cock, doll, and I'll give you what you need.”

Looking up at Jack again, his eyes were hooded. He took my hand and wrapped my fingers around his cock. I felt it pulse beneath my palm, so thick, so silky soft yet hard.

“I shouldn't want this,” I said. Was that my voice?

“But you do,” Jack replied.

Flicking my tongue out, I licked off another pearly drop, let it coat my tongue. “But I do.”

I took his cock as deep as he could go now, pumping my fist at the same time. I wasn’t the best at this, but I had to hope my enthusiasm would mask any lack in skill. By the way Jack groaned, it seemed to be working.

Sam shifted on the bed. I heard a drawer open, then the crinkle of foil before his hand cupped my hip, held me in place as his cock slid through my wetness, pressed against my entrance, then slid deep in one slow stroke.

Fuck, the feel of him, stretching me wide and filling me so deep was incredible. I squirmed, unaccustomed to such penetration as I moaned around Jack's cock. The pleasure, hot and bright, made my skin tingle, my clit ache.

Jack's fingers tangled in my hair, guided me to take his cock as he liked.

Sam didn't move, held himself perfectly still as I closed my eyes and savored the thick feel of him. Of both of them. I was impaled front and back and I didn't want to be anywhere else.

“I'm not going to last,” Jack said.

“Hell, I'm not even moving, doll, letting you adjust to me, and I'm going to blow. You've reduced us to horny teenagers.”

I clenched down with my inner walls, feeling him, learning how he fit me. Sam groaned, spanked me again. I clenched even harder.

“Do you want to come, doll?” Sam asked, beginning to move his cock. In. Out. The pace was ridiculously slow, but every single nerve ending in my pussy was rubbed just right. His fingers gripped my hips, holding me just where he wanted me.

I couldn't do anything about it. Sure, I could tell them no and I knew they'd stop, but that wasn't what I really wanted. I wanted him to move more.

I couldn't nod as I sucked Jack's cock, so I made a sound, something close to a yes.

Jack groaned.

“Why is that?” Sam asked.

I pulled off Jack's cock and looked over my shoulder. “You want to have a conversation now?”

“Tell me why you should come.”

“Fuck, Sam, I want my dick back in her mouth,” Jack complained.

Sam's magical cock stroked over some place deep inside that had me arching my back and crying out. “There. Right there again. Please.” I wasn't beyond begging. Not now.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Bridgewater County Erotic