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When she started hitting me with her little fists, I swatted her ass. “I'll put you down. In my bed.”

“Jack!” she cried again.

“Spank her again. She likes it,” Sam added.

At the top of the stairs, Katie stilled immediately and I gave my cousin a wide eyed look. His only reply was a quick grin. Sliding my hand up her thigh, I lifted her skirt so it fell over her back, exposing a gorgeous ass. Pale and lush. I spanked one cheek, then the other.

She startled and cried my name again, this time with a little less anger and a lot more heat. Dipping my fingers over her pussy, I said, “You like it when your men take charge, don't you, Katie?”

I could feel her shake her head against my back. “No. You're crazy. I don't like being manhandled like this.”

Sam turned on the lights and I dropped Katie onto my bed. She bounced once and she quickly scrambled up to her knees.

“You might be in charge in the courtroom, might run circles about men in your office with torts and depositions, but you need your men to take control in the bedroom.”

I had no fucking idea what a tort was, stupid lawyer paperwork, but he was right about the rest. She needed to let go, to forget everything, to turn that smart mind off. If that meant spanking her ass and tying her wrists to the headboard, then that’s what we’d do. “You can fight it, you can fight us all you want, sweetness, but your pussy never lies.”

I grinned at her as I licked her wetness off my fingertips. Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open. Yeah, pure sweetness.

Beside me, Sam started to undo the buttons of his shirt as he toed off one shoe, then the other.

“Did you like the orgasm I gave you, Katie?” Sam asked, tugging his shirt tails from his pants.

She nodded her head, shifting her eyes watch him undress.

“Good girl,” I told her, relieved she wasn’t going to get embarrassed now. “There's no shame in what you did. What we did. Here's how the night's going to go. We're going to get you naked, then we're going to fuck every last thought from your head besides my name and Sam's.”

I gripped the front of my shirt and tugged, the snaps popping one by one.

“And if you start thinking again, we're going to spank your ass and then we're going to fuck you all over again.”

“Ever been with two men before, doll?” Sam asked.

“No,” she whispered.

“Then on your back and spread those thighs. Let's see that perfect pussy of yours.”

Yeah, we were bossy. Yeah, she hated being told what to do, to give up her control to two men, based on the way her eyes narrowed in that fuck you stare she had. But she loved it, too, because she didn't say a word, only laid back on my bed, bent her knees and spread her feet nice and wide.

Not only did she have the most perfect pink pussy, but that little triangle of trimmed hair that pointed to the promised land proved she was a fucking natural blond.



When Elaine said she wanted me to fuck a cowboy, she probably hadn't envisioned this. Me, with my legs parted, two cowboys standing big and tall before me, staring at my pussy. It was as if they were looking at the fucking Holy Grail.

“She's wearing too many clothes,” Sam commented. He went to one side of the bed, Jack to the other and crawled on, slowly stripping me of my blouse, bra and skirt. I doubted I'd see my panties, the ones tucked into Jack's shirt on the floor, ever again.

“What about you?” While I was naked, they were still dressed.

It took seconds for them to strip bare and I couldn't decide which way I should look. On my right was Sam, my left Jack. God, two naked cowboys.

Sam was dark everywhere. He either tanned naked or was naturally dark complected. He had a smattering of hair on his chest that tapered into a thin line beneath his navel and went directly to the thatch at the base of his cock. His very big, very erect cock.

Then there was Jack. Jack's hair on his head was fair, as if bleached by the sun. He, too, had hair on his chest, but it was darker than on his head. His cock was thicker than Sam's and a drop of pre-cum oozed from the tip. I wasn't sure if I could get that broad head inside my pussy, let alone my mouth.

I salivated at the idea of trying.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Bridgewater County Erotic