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“But I’m not evil.” There was nothing I wanted more than to fulfill my secret fantasies, to take a woman, hurt her, and do whatever I wished. The women I bedded were into kinky stuff, but never something as taboo as slavery. This woman was literally a prisoner. It couldn’t get more taboo than that.

“Since you’re giving her to Egor in a few weeks, I don’t think it makes a difference what you do with her. It’s not like you bought her for yourself with the intention of keeping her until you made her dig her own grave. It really doesn’t matter. If that’s where she’s going, none of this matters. And if she really does want you, it might be a nice vacation for her…before she has to go back.”

That was another reason why I didn’t want to start fucking her, especially if it was consensual. It would make it more difficult for me to hand her over in a few weeks. If she broke my rules and ignited my temper, then I would have to keep my word and fulfill the promise I made. It would be just about sex, about chaining her to my headboard and doing whatever I wanted. I wouldn’t feel bad about taking her how I wanted, not when I gave her a way to avoid it. “I don’t want to feel anything for her. I have to give her back to Egor. After what happened with the Skull Kings, I can’t make an enemy out of this guy. He’s too unpredictable. So I can’t change my mind about the commitment I made. It would be easier if she defied me and I had to punish her. I wouldn’t feel bad about what I was doing since I gave her an out in the beginning.”

“So if she tries to escape, you’ll get what you want?”


Conway fell quiet, his mind obviously working in the silence.

“What are you thinking?” I asked.

“I was thinking that you want her to break the rules…so why don’t you make that happen?”

“I can’t make her do anything. That doesn’t even make sense.”

“Think about it,” he said. “Let her think you’ve dropped your guard. Let her think you’re distracted. Let her think she has a real chance. Pretend to forget to turn on the alarm at night. Pretend it’s possible for her to get out.”

My interest increased as the arousal coursed through my veins. If I let her believe she could really make it out of here, and even gave her another warning that she shouldn’t make the attempt, I wouldn’t have to feel any guilt as I enjoyed her. She could do everything right, but I would be waiting for her—in the darkness. I would grab her, watch the hope disappear from her eyes, and then I would take her to bed—where she belonged.

Then I could finally have her—guilt-free.

I could fuck her hard.

I could spank her hard.

Slap her hard.

And do whatever I damn well pleased.

“What do you think?” Conway asked, bringing my attention back to the conversation.

My hand tightened into a fist because my desire outweighed my conscience. I didn’t consider myself to be a bad man, but I never claimed I was good either. I was a descendant of a line of criminals. My dad never professed to be a good man. Even to this day, he didn’t claim that he was. All he ever said was that he loved his family…and that was the only good quality he possessed.

I was no different. “I think it’s the best idea you’ve ever had.”

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