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“This is real Bate’s Motel-ish,” Dion commented.

“I think even that was more modern than this,” I retorted sarcastically.

To the left of us was a check in counter. I tucked one side of my hair behind my ear and walked over to it. A notecard like the one from the cabin I’d woken up in was the first thing that captured my attention. I picked it up and read what was written out loud.

“Welcome to the Devil’s Inn. Refreshments await you in room six-one-six. Take the key and proceed ahead.”

“That number sounds familiar,” Mel replied.

I thought so too. But where had we seen or heard it before?


I repeated the number in my head, taking a better look around. My eyes eventually landed on a silver key hanging by its lonesome on the back wall. I tossed down the notecard and retrieved it, turning it over in my hand.

The symbol embossed on the cards was engraved into the handle—an eye in the center of a triangle.

“Look at this,” Mel called.

I pocketed the key and turned to see what she’d found.

“That thing looks pretty old,” Dion pointed out.

“Feels like it too. Who do you think all these people are?”

“Were,” I corrected, watching her flip through the thick, yellowing pages of a ledger.

“The names end here…with ours.”

“What?” I circled the reception desk and came closer.

Dion sighed heavily, rubbing the top of his head. “That’s some freaky shit.”

“Inks fresh,” Mel disclosed, angling the page towards me. “So, we’re being watched. I guess I assumed that already but to know for sure…”

“They hid their cameras pretty damn well, right?” I clipped, eyeing every corner of the front lobby. I wondered, were they watching us right now? Or did some other random person have their attention? With as many flat screens that I’d seen back in that ballroom, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were doing both.

The question of why was still looming over my shoulder. Abuelo had mentioned this was an initiation. What the fuck were we being initiated into? Purgatory? I chose to keep my rambling inner thoughts to myself for now. There was no point in adding more unknown variables to this shitty equation.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Mel rubbing the back of her neck, almost directly in the center. I wouldn’t have thought anything of it if Dion hadn’t done almost the same thing in the woods. My own tingled as if to remind me I had too, right after waking up in the cabin.

“Does it hurt?”

Her attention shifted to me, fleeting confusion in her silver eyes.

“Not really. It feels like something pinched me.”

“Turn around.” I took the book from her and sat it down on the clerk’s desk.

She did as I asked without question. I stepped up behind her and gently draped her hair over one shoulder. There was a bit of redness standing out against her porcelain skin, but nothing else.

“I don’t see anything.”

“It could be from whatever they used to knock us out,” Dion suggested.

“I guess.” I took a step back, feeling as if we were missing something.

“Or--.” he started then paused.

“Or what?” Mel asked, sweeping her hair behind her back again as she turned to face him.

He gave the slightest shake of his head, making a point to glance at the ceiling before he replied.

“Or they gave us drugs.”

“Hopefully, some good stuff then,” Mel responded dryly, catching on right away. He didn’t want to say too much knowing we were being watched.

“Let’s go see what’s in this room.”

“I’ll go first this time,” Dion implored, making sure he got to the hall before we could.

“I’m beginning to feel like this is a competition. Which one of us will volunteer to die first?” Mel joked.

“None of us are going to die. Think positive thoughts, girl.”

“Oh, you’re still on about that, huh?” she glanced back at me and flashed a somber smile.

We followed Dion down the narrow hall, reading the door numbers as we went. None of them had peepholes. I thought that was weird considering this was supposed to be an inn. If they stayed shut, though, I didn’t really care.

“Room six-one-six?” Dion asked.

“Yeah. Here’s the key.” I dug in my pocket and handed it to Mel so that she could pass it off to him.

“Here goes nothing,” he muttered.

I placed my hands on Mel’s shoulders as he inserted the key into the lock. If worst came to worst, I could fling her ass out of the way. The lock turned over and Dion reached for the knob. It twisted without resistance, the door opening with a small groan.

“There’s a bathroom to the right. I can’t see inside it, “he warned us, slowly entering the room.

We stepped in behind him, easing past the open doorway. When no one jumped out and I saw things didn’t look to be too out of place, I relaxed and let myself breathe a little. Come to think of it, nothing that bad had really occurred. There was the window woman, being choked out, and witnessing a girl take a pickax to the skull. Considering what I’d already seen and where we were, that wasn’t hardly anything at all.

Tags: Natalie Bennett Devil's Playground Romance