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"Well, Harley’s dad does pay for him,," Gianna said.. “Same difference.” Her question shocked and disgusted me. I turned around and stared her down.

"Gianna, we pay him to fix cars, that's it. He’s a skilled mechanic." I said, disgusted by her thought process.

"He isn't a hooker," Alexandra said, appearing a little shocked as she stared at Gianna.

The two pool workers were eating every second of this conversation up.

"Everyone is a hooker to Gianna, apparently," I said. I didn’t even try to hide the disgust in my voice. Gianna was a pig and she would never change. I felt sorry for Adam and sorry for her parents.

“Harley, don’t be so naïve, every single person on this planet has a price. We’re all hookers for something, one way or another.”

When the sun became too hot on my skin, I flipped sides to face her again and she was kissing one of the pool guys and had her hand down the work suit of the other jerking his cock. The guy she was kissing had his hands inside her barely there swimming suit and was squeezing her perfect silicone breast. Mixed feelings flooded my system. I was angry at first, but a part of me was also fascinated. Would Gianna somehow have sex with them both? Suck one off while the other fucked her, or go down on her knees and give them alternating blow jobs?

But there were cameras all over the property and I’d hate for my dad to check in and see this porno happening by the side of his pool. The pool guy squeezed one of her nipples and Gianna let out a sexy moan.

“All right, that’s it!” I said as I stood. “You two are all done here. You finished maintenance on the pool two hours ago and Gianna doesn’t need any maintenance, she gets plenty at home.”

The pool guys didn’t budge; the one who’d had his hand on Gianna’s breast, had now moved it into her bikini bottoms and was fingering her. He kept eye contact with me as he did it.

“We could stay off the clock off course, and all have a little fun,” he suggested.

Heat surged in my face and I could feel the wetness of my desire between my legs as I watched them.

“No thanks. For that there’s Pornhub. If my dad checks the cameras, we’re all totally screwed anyway. So I suggest you get your stuff and go if you want to keep your jobs at all.”

“Fucking Harley, the buzzkill,” Gianna muttered. “Come on, Alex, let’s go.” She extricated herself from the help who both sported giant boners under their work suits. They’d probably hook up later and Gianna would do them in the back of their pool maintenance truck.

* * *

I sat on the floor in the dark family room. A box of pizza opened in front of me as loneliness set in. I was utterly alone: no mom, no real best friends, Stefano was only concerned with Livia and getting her the right house and the right ring, and my dad loved cars more than me and he wasn’t even apologetic for having absolutely no interest in me. But maybe I deserved it, maybe I wasn’t nice or interesting enough to deserve their attention. I guess what made me sad was that no one really knew me. I never let anyone in to see the real me. It was my own fault my life was lonely.

I took a bite of pizza, spinach and mushroom, washed it down with one of Stefano’s beers and flipped through the television channels. I wanted to make a fire, but I was kind of scared to do it with no one here. Plus, it was a hundred degrees outside, so a cozy fireplace night was just a plain bad idea.

I wondered if my mom had survived, what we’d be doing together. Making a homemade cake or doing some DIY renovation project on furniture which had been one of her hobbies. Or if Dad was away, we might do a girls night with face masks and pedicures, champagne and 80’s movies. I missed her every day and sometimes it felt like my life was just role playing. I was too scared to make waves, and too scared to break off from the group of friends I’d obviously outgrown.

I took another bite of pizza and finished my beer. Half a slice of pizza in my belly, but the beer went down easier.

I stared at the pizza, one-piece now missing, and thought about the mechanic and how rude my friends were to him. How disgusting Gianna was to him. He'd been here from the crack of dawn, working, not asking for anything, keeping his head down. I hadn't even noticed him move away from the cars or do anything else since the girls left. I wondered if he'd eaten anything all day.

Tags: Aria Cole, Mila Crawford Romance