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He walked over to where we were, in waist deep water, and began to climb out of the pool. His eyes were dark, but sparkling like the blue chlorine water and rivulets ran down the muscled contour of his Adonis body. Six pack, strong pecs, biceps honed to perfection from years of lifting carburetors and engines.

“You can stay and swim, you don’t have to just dip and run,” I told him. As I sat up, I grabbed a towel and covered myself shyly.

“I’ve got work to do, Harley, but I appreciate the offer. This should do me for the rest of the day.” He grabbed his shorts and his shoes and socks in hand, ignoring Gianna’s comments. I handed him a fresh towel and he took it and nodded. But Wyatt didn’t dry off at the pool, he walked away leaving a trail of water behind him.

“He is so crazy hot. If you won’t take him, I will,” Gianna told me. There was a hint of threat in her voice like she was angry because Wyatt didn’t pay enough attention to her antics.

“Just leave him alone, he’s trying to do his job. He’s not interested, Gianna. Wyatt isn’t like that, he keeps to himself.”

I flipped on my stomach and opened my book, effectively ignoring Gianna and whatever inappropriate moves she was making on the pool boys. I tried to read, but the image of Wyatt jumping into the pool was etched into my mind. His grace, his anger, his standoffishness were all part of what made him so intriguing. I knew he’d lost his sister and that his life had been hard, but I secretly wondered what made him tick and what he was like when he really let his guard down.

I turned to Gianna and Alexandra. "Is it impossible for you to act normal around him?"

"What’s normal?" Gianna asked.

"Gianna is gunning for that real housewives show,” Alexandra said, giggling.

"There's nothing wrong with taking a Honda for a test drive. It doesn't mean you have to buy it," Gianna snapped. “Can’t believe I got stuck with such prudes for best friends.”

"Listen to you, take him for a test drive?" I muttered under my breath.

"What's that supposed to mean," Gianna demanded.

"Gianna, it means that you’ve already test-driven practically all the cars in this town," Alexandra cut in.

"What's the matter, Alexandra, you jealous that you haven’t even gotten your learners permit yet?"

I stared between the two of them escalating their bickering into a real fight. They shouldn’t even be talking so openly in front of the pool guys. Our business would be spread all over Wexler faster than head lice. This was a topic they were never going to see eye to eye on. For as promiscuous as Gianna was, Alexandra had never really had sex. Not even a boyfriend. I wasn't sure if it was by choice or the fact that her parents were so strict. Alexandra was shy and it took a lot to get her out of her shell. I fell somewhere between the two of them. My senior year of high school, I’d gone steady with Rob Page, we’d gone all the way a few times after I decided he was the one for me. But then things fell apart between us and I regretted letting him be the one to take my virginity. I hadn’t done anything with anybody since and the dry spell was wearing on me. I fantasized a lot and used my vibrator more than I cared to admit.

But for some reason, it really upset me to listen to Gianna talk about Wyatt like she did all of her conquests.

"He's a human being, not a piece of meat," I said to her, feeling my temper start to flare.

"Oh please, like that man doesn't use and abuse women. Did you even see him? I bet he likes it hard and dirty. He’s probably into whips and anal."

I blushed so hard it felt like my face was on fire.

"Gianna, he works for my dad. Find another boy toy," I said, turning away from her. I arranged myself on the pool chair still covering my body with the towel. I tried to crack my book open again and block out the Gianna show which was apparently having a marathon.

I hated that she was coming on to him. I hated how it made me feel. Gianna always got what she wanted; it didn't matter what it was. She didn't care that she was a torpedo and usually left devastation in her wake. As long as she got what she wanted, she was happy and stopped acting like a total bitch. She'd make an excellent politician's wife. She was beautiful, she was cunning, and she was manipulative. "You're a snob, Gianna. You think you own everyone and everything," Alexandra piped up

Tags: Aria Cole, Mila Crawford Romance