Page 77 of Unconditional

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On the dark road of route fifty-eight.

My heart pounds in my chest as I can’t see anything past Cal’s eyes that are boring into mine. “I need your cum on my dick, Maddie. I need you to come, so that later tonight when I’m frustrated and angered by the fact that someone decided to fuck with you, I can remember you’re safe and sated at home waiting for me.”

A sob leaves my mouth, but it’s more out of pleasure than sadness as his coarse pubic hair rubs against my clit. My mouth drops open as he pins me to the car and begins to fuck me like a wild animal.

It makes me wonder how many wild animals have given into their primal urges just off this road in the woods behind us.

“I’ll literally rip the fucking limbs off o

f anyone who thinks they can touch a hair on your head, you know that right?” He grits in my ear and I nod. “Say you understand.”

“I…I understand.”

He pushes in and slides out slowly, letting me feel every ridge of his cock rubbing my walls. I touch his dick that’s half inside of me and pull him back in. His cock is wet with my arousal and I hold my hand up, licking us off my hands.

“Give me a taste.” He growls.

I rub a finger over my clit, to collect some wetness before pushing it through his lips. His tongue rubs against my finger and I feel the gentle graze of his teeth. He groans and begins to fuck me harder, faster, and more feral than before. His pumps are erratic and uncontrolled, his fingers digging into my thighs as he slams in and out of me. “You came,” I whisper. “I called and you came.” My eyes well up with tears as the gravity of what just happened washes over me. “In minutes.”

He holds himself inside of me, even though I know he’s on the precipice of his release and cups my face in his hands. “I told you. You call, I come.”

MADDIE IS STILL SHAKING ONCE we are inside my mother’s house, so I pull her trembling body into my arms and rub her back. “You’re safe,” I whisper in her ear. I guide her into the kitchen and pour a glass of water for her and watch as she takes a tentative sip. “Whole thing, baby.” She does as she’s told, finishing the entire drink before putting the cup in the sink.

“Please stay with me,” she whispers, and for the first time, I can see the fear in her eyes. The fear I’d seen when I pulled her from that closet and a handful of other times in her life. “Don’t leave.”

“Maddie…” I rub a hand over the back of my neck and she takes a step closer and into my arms.

“Stay in Henry’s old room. I just…I need you close.”

I let out a breath, knowing that she could break me down easily. She knows it too. “If this maniac is out there…” She bites down on her bottom lip and backs up slowly. “You’re safe here, okay? Mom has a top of the line alarm system.” I know because I made her get it. “And Peters just buzzed that he’ll be here in five. You’re safe.”

“Nothing makes me feel as safe as being near you.” She twists her mouth as if she’s about to cry and I run my knuckles down her sweet face.

“I’ll come back, alright? The second I leave the station.” Her eyes light up and she’s in my arms instantly. “But try and get some sleep while I’m gone. Maybe take a warm bath?”

“I’d rather wait for you to take one with me.” She rubs against me and flutters her eyes at me.

“You’re going to get us in trouble,” I tell her. As enticing as a bath with Maddie is, and regardless that the idea sends a spark to my dick, I know I have to go into the station. I’m livid that someone messed with her, and even more so that this person is still out there. Antagonizing a young girl on a dark highway is shit I do not stand for.

Not. In. My. Town.

I press my lips to hers, sliding my tongue through her mouth followed by a kiss on her nose before ushering her up the stairs.

“You’ll be back?” she whispers.

I nod, before heading towards the door. She blows me a kiss and as soon as I’m out the door my phone vibrates with a text

Maddie: Be safe. Come back to me. I love you.

I’m on the warpath the second I set foot in the station, barking orders at anyone I come into contact with that they need to get their ass out there and find who fucked with my girl. It isn’t until I’ve been there an hour and called to check on Maddie at least three times when I decide I need something to calm my nerves.

“You’re smoking again?” A billow of smoke leaves from between my lips as I pull it away and flick the ash into the street outside the station. Aria’s concerned eyes come into view through the smoke, and she tries to pull it away from me but I take a step out of her reach.

“It’s been a rough night.” I grit out and she frowns and looks down at the ground before meeting my eyes. This is the most we’ve spoken in two weeks and I can actually say I’ve missed her.

“What happened?”

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Romance