Page 76 of Unconditional

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“Yes, and I don’t want any asshole knowing where you’re headed or where you live. Come to me.”

I swallow and nod. “Okay…”

“I’m bringing the cruiser and my lights will be on. Stay calm, okay? I’m going to stay on the phone with you until I get there. Focus on the road, I see you’re coming up on the first turn. Don’t take your foot off the gas.”

“I have to slow down, Cal, I could crash into the side of the mountain or run into the creek!”

“Sweetheart, you can do this. You’re a great driver, just breathe.” His voice is even, and I know it’s because he’s good in a crisis and I’m grateful for this because it’s keeping me calm.

I look up and my eyes widen when I realize I don’t see his lights anymore. I sit up taller in my seat and tears start to rush down my cheeks. Fuck.

I don’t see his lights because he’s right on top of me. His lights are almost pressed into my tail and only then do I realize they’re driving some sort of SUV. But I still can’t make out the face of who’s driving. “Cal…I think this guy is trying to run me off the road. I…I’m scared!”

“I’m close, baby. Two miles, okay?”

My teeth begin to chatter nervously and just as we are coming up on the turn, I see the flicker of the red and blue lights coming at me. High beams come back into my rearview as he backs up and before I realize what’s happening, I see him turning around and zooming back down the road. I slow down to a complete stop, pressing my hand to my chest, trying to calm my racing heartbeat as I know Cal is close and I’m safe, when I see his cruiser zoom by me. “NO! Please, don’t leave me!” I scream. Tears are flowing down my cheeks and I know I’m moments from full-on sobs. I know Cal can see the taillights of the offender and could probably catch that asshole, but I can’t be alone right now. I hop out of my car just as he turns around and parks behind me and I’m in his arms before he’s barely out of the car.

“Are you okay?” He puts a hand on either side of my face before tucking me into his chest. “I’m here, it’s okay.” He rubs my back as my sobs start to slow. “What happened?” He kisses my forehead and I reach up and let his lips brush against mine.

“Don’t leave me.” I murmur against lips.

He lets out a breath and sits on the hood of his car, pulling me between his legs. “I’m not leaving.”

“I don’t know who it was. I really tried to see. Cal, I’m sorry!” I squeeze my eyes shut and shake my head.

“Don’t be sorry. I’m glad you were focusing on driving and staying safe. That’s the most important thing, okay? That you’re safe.” He lets out a breath and I feel it on my face as I move closer to him. “Fuck, I should have sent someone out to patrol this road, maybe they’d come across them. Do you think they were drunk or anything?”

“No, they weren’t weaving, but then again, I don’t know. They were just so close.” I move to look at my bumper, holding my hand a mere inch from my car. “This close. Any closer and they would have tapped me.”

“They didn’t touch you?”

“No…” I shake my head.

He lets out a breath. “I’m going to follow you to Mom’s.”

“Wait, Margie’s? I can’t come home with you?”

“I’m going to go into the station for a while, see if there have been any other reports on this. I want you home and safe. I’m putting a cruiser outside her house too.”

“Cal…” I whine. I didn’t want all of that, nor did I need all of that to feel safe. I needed him to feel safe. I could have all the protection in the world, but if it didn’t include him it didn’t matter. I’d still have a nightmare tonight. I’d still have flashes of my father behind the wheel of the car behind me, trying to push me into a ditch.

“No, Maddie, I’ll come see you tomorrow, alright? But I’m not taking you home and then leaving you alone after what just happened.”

“Will you come back to Margie’s tonight?”

He lets out a breath and runs a hand through his hair. “I’ll be there through the night, I’m sure.”

“But Cal…”

He boxes me in against my car and presses his forehead to mine. “No buts. If anything ever happened to you…” He trails off as his hand moves up and traces my face. “You’re all that matters to me.”

I bite my lip at his words and pull him closer, his lips hovering just over mine. “Please,” I whimper and then our lips crash in a dizzying kiss. His tongue rubs against mine and his hands spread my legs so he can stand between them before he lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. “Cal,” I whimper.

“Fuck…” He opens my coat and steps between them, finding the seam of my leggings between my legs making me grateful that I changed out of my leotard before I left. He digs one finger into the seam, pressing against my sex and I moan, only to let out a yelp when he rips them at the center, making a hole in my crotch.


“Hold on, baby.” He growls as he lowers his sweatpants. He opens the hole wider and moves my panties to the side and before I can protest, he’s inside of me.

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Romance