Page 52 of Unconditional

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I shake my head, knowing that he had plans to keep me up all night, and that I had made a big promise about giving him a blow job. “No, I’m awake.” My eyes flutter open but he’s already moving off of me.

“Get some rest, baby.” He kisses my lips and the taste of my orgasm is still on his. He pulls the covers up over my naked body and I reach for him, wanting him within reach but he’s already off the bed.

“Wait…” I whine, and he chuckles.

“Just let me cut all of the lights and check the alarm, I’ll be back in two minutes.”

I nod, knowing that I’ll be long asleep by then. Holy shit, sex is exhausting.

“You’re being suuuuper weird,” Aria says as she reaches across the table and swipes a fry from my plate. Aria is always on some diet, despite the fact that she had the most perfect body. I think this week it’s Keto or something. Whatever it is, it’s turning her into a raging bitch because she usually treats French fries like they’re their own food group. I shoo her hand away and point at her pitiful salad.

It’s been three days since Henry had caught me and Cal, and we still hadn’t told anyone. We are hoping to wait until after my birthday to give us one final holiday of normalcy before the Grayson family changes forever. I was shocked to learn that Henry hadn’t immediately told Aria because that was something she wouldn’t have been able to hide from me. Christmas is tomorrow and just like every year, Aria and I have lunch on Christmas Eve that sprouted out of Cal having to work the first Christmas I lived with him.

“You won’t be here for Christmas?” My lip trembles as I notice the suitcase packed in the corner. I’ve been living with Cal for about two months now and this is the first time he’s leaving overnight. Needless to say, I’m terrified.

“No, sweetheart. But I made sure Santa knew to take all your toys to Aria and Henry’s.”

I wipe my eyes to prevent the tears from falling. “I don’t want the toys. Just you.” I hate seeming ungrateful, but I’m used to not getting toys. I’m also pretty sure Santa isn’t real, but Cal seems to be pretty sure he is so I don’t want to tell him that.

“Really? I heard you got some really nice things…”

I purse my lips as I think about the list Cal made me make of all the things I want. It wasn’t very long because I wasn’t even sure what to ask for, but he said he knew I’d been good this year so I would probably get everything.

“How long will you be gone?”

“I should be back on your birthday.”

“You promise?”

He rubs my cheek slightly and sighs. “I can’t promise you that. But I promise that I’ll try my hardest.”

I wrap my arms around his neck and squeeze. “Merry Christmas, Cal. Thank you for the best present.”

He wraps his arms around my tiny body and rubs my back gently. “Merry Christmas to you too, Mads.”

“Earth to Maddie?” Aria waves a hand in front of my face and I snap out of my memories. “What is with you lately?”

“Nothing.” I shake my head. “Sorry…what?”

She sighs. “I can’t get anyone to pay attention to me.” She hides her hurt with her sarcasm as she pokes at her salad.

“I’m listening, I swear. Just a lot on my mind.”

“Like what, Mads? Since when don’t you tell me things?”

“What did you mean about no one paying attention to you?” I ask, trying to change the subject.

“Well, I guess you’re practically an adult…and weirdly my best friend.” She waves an arm around. “Henry’s being strange.”

“More so than usual?” I raise an eyebrow at her. Every once in a while, Henry kind of shuts down on Aria. It’s like he needs intermittent breaks from being married. It’s sad and not fair at all to Aria. I know they got married because she was pregnant, but I always assumed he still loved her and not that…he felt trapped?


“What makes you say that?”

“He hasn’t been around much. The usual stuff, staying late at the office, leaving early in the morning. But I also feel like we haven’t had a conversation in days.” Probably since he found out about me and Cal. “And he mentioned something about not making it to your birthday dinner…” she winces. “It’s so weird.”

“Maybe things have changed.” My guess is he’s probably not enthused about being around me and Cal.

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Romance