Page 51 of Unconditional

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He remembered things I didn’t. He remembered our father better than I did. I remembered the nice neighbor that taught me to fish and made my mother feel special. The one that took us to dinner and came to my baseball games. The one that fixed things in the house and taught Henry to drive because mom can’t drive for shit. I remembered Grant. I saw the way he looked at my mother. The way that he loved her. It showed me how a man was supposed to love a woman. Henry was drowning in feelings of anger and resentment, too caught up in the pain to realize that Mom was happy. That Grant made Mom happy. He didn’t see the signs and thus is now in a loveless marriage because he’d been angrier for longer than he’d been happy.

That wouldn’t be me.

“To hell with him.” She clears her throat. “Your Dad, I mean.”

I smile at her because she knows my heart and my thoughts before I can breathe them into existence. “To hell with yours too.”

She shivers in my arms and buries herself further into my chest, her lips rubbing against my neck as she talks. I want to finish what we started, to discover her body all over again, but the last thirty minutes had been draining and I know she’s exhausted. “You’re not sick, Cal. Promise me, you’ll never think that what we are is anything else but love. Love in it’s purest form. Nothing dirty or bad or wrong…just a man and woman that were put in each other’s lives to help the other heal and grow and be happy.”

I nod, but then remember she can’t see me as my chin rests on top of her head. “I promise. You and me against the world.”

ONCE WHEN I WAS YOUNGER, I witnessed a dog attack another dog. He latched onto the other’s neck and wouldn’t let go until the two owners pulled them apart.

Right now, I feel like that smaller dog with the way Cal is latched onto the space between my legs. I don’t know how many times I’ve come from his tongue in the last hour, but I think it would take divine intervention to get him to let up his tortuous assault. He licks and bites and sucks my clit, baring his teeth every few seconds and nibbling on the sensitive flesh. A slick sheen of sweat coats my body and my heart races in my chest as I feel myself building for another orgasm. “Cal, I can’t take much more.”

He pulls away slightly, his mouth hovering an inch above my sex and I almost climax at the sight of him. The lower half of his face is glistening, and his eyes are dark with desire and hunger. “Your pussy thinks otherwise.” He looks down at me and I follow his gaze. My sex is red and swollen from his beard and my clit is exposed from him spreading my lips for the better part of the past hour. “Just give me one more.”

I bite my lip and nod because who am I to deny this sex God another

chance to make me come? “And then it’s my turn?”

His eyebrows almost shoot off his face and he licks his lips. “Your turn for…”

“Making you come?” I clear my throat and stare at him through hooded slits. “With my mouth.”

“Such filthy words for such an innocent girl.” He growls before lowering his face to rub his tongue through my wet sex. “You want to put your mouth on my cock, little one?”

Say it.

I let out a sigh and let my eyes float upwards. “Yes…Daddy.”

He groans and then he’s back on my pussy, licking me to another soul-shattering orgasm as his fingers bite into my thighs so hard I’m sure he’ll leave marks. Bright lights flash behind my eyelids as I come hard under the force of his mouth. It’s a good thing that Cal has my legs pinned down or else I would have probably suffocated him by now. My eyes open slowly, matching the lethargic movements of the rest of my body. My vision has blurred slightly, but when Cal comes into view, he’s running a hand down his face and swiping his tongue over his lips. I let out a breath and sit up slightly taking note of his sexy body and the look he’s giving me. He doesn’t say anything, he just stares at me, our eyes having a conversation that I don’t think I fully comprehend. “Cal…” I start, wondering if he’s shutting down on me.

“I can’t believe…” He sits back on his heels and runs a hand through his hair. “You’re you. How am I going to explain this to…everyone?”

I clear my throat, preparing to give him an answer although I’m sure his question was half rhetorical. “I thought you didn’t care what anyone thought?” He gives me a look that I read instantly. I lied. I care. I take a deep breath and prepare to speak my greatest fear. “So, what this is already over? Was this all you wanted? One time?”

His eyes are hard and I’m praying I get the reaction I’m hoping for. Anger. He runs his fingertips up my legs, tapping my thigh in equal beats. The beats are in perfect rhythm with the hum between my legs. “You know that I know you better than you know yourself, right?”

“What does that mean?”

“It means you can’t fucking manipulate me.” He runs his tongue over his teeth. His tongue that has gotten very acquainted with my pussy for the past hour.

I narrow my eyes and go to move off the bed when Cal pins me to it, keeping me in place. “Get off, Cal.”

“You know, I’ve never spanked you, but I’m tempted to change that. Don’t ever insult me like that again.” He growls. “I don’t care if you were only saying it to get a rise out of me.”

I swallow at the heat of his words. “Spank me?”

“Yes, over my knee, bare-assed.”

“How very Fifty Shades,” I smirk. I’ll never forget the look on Cal’s face when he found out that I had an affinity for romance books. He practically fled from the room and avoided my eyes for a week.

A smile plays at his lips, but it’s wicked and sinister, not playful. My clit pulses in response. “This isn’t fucking over.” He grits out before he rubs his nose against mine gently as if he’s chasing his harsh statement with gentleness.

“Okay.” The fatigue of what felt like at least ten orgasms is catching up with me. Coupled with the very exhausting interaction with Henry has me fighting sleep.


Tags: Q.B. Tyler Romance