Page 49 of Daddy's Best Friend

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“Well, the person that did this didn’t use some sort of hack—they had your password. I pulled the logs and it looks like someone accessed them a few days ago.” She tapped her screen. “They weren’t trying to hide what they were doing.”

“Weird…” I tilted my head slightly.

“It gets weirder.” She exhaled sharply. “I pinged the location and the person who accessed your cameras—they were on your property.”

“That’s impossible…” I shook my head back and forth.

“Is it?” She raised her eyebrows. “Check this out—this is from the day they were accessed.”

Lauren pulled some footage up and started playing it. I saw Chrissy, which wasn’t a surprise—she was supposed to be home based on the time. What I wasn’t expecting was for someone else to show up. I didn’t recognize the girl that walked into the house, but it didn’t look like Chrissy was thrilled for her to be there. The girl walked around like she owned the place while Chrissy followed behind her with an upset look on her face. It even looked like they got into some sort of argument before Chrissy slammed the front door.

“Chrissy didn’t mention this to me at all…” I stared at the screen. “Who the fuck is that girl?”

“I don’t know, but you might want to find out. The cameras were accessed right after she left, which means—she probably has the footage.” Lauren nodded. “Unfortunately, we don’t know what she did with it. She could have easily sold it to someone that actually knows what they’re doing—or, she could be the one trying to blackmail you.”

“We need to find out her name.” I sighed angrily.

“Her name is Meghan.” I heard Chrissy’s voice and turned to see her standing in the doorway.

“Chrissy, what the fuck?” I stood up immediately. “You let someone into the house—and you didn’t tell me they were there?”

“I’m sorry, Greyson. I had no idea she would do something like this! I thought she was just—really annoying. I got her to leave—it just took a little bit.” Chrissy looked down at the floor.

“Well you just need to go to school. I’ll find this—Meghan—and deal with her.” I growled under my breath.

“I handled it.” Chrissy lifted her head slowly. “The footage is deleted—and I threw her laptop in the ocean.”

“Wait…” Lauren’s head snapped back. “You did what?”

“You need to start from the beginning.” I motioned for Chrissy to have a seat.

Chrissy started a little further back than I expected and told us that it started with Meghan taking her keys so she could drive the Porsche. I wasn’t happy to hear that, considering that anyone behind the wheel was a liability to me, but that part wasn’t important. Chrissy described how she suspected Meghan—and got a full confession. That part was a little alarming, but I might have done the same thing if I was in her position. When she finished her story, I wanted to believe it was over—but I still had some lingering concerns.

“Okay.” I nodded. “Chrissy, I want you to go home. We’ll discuss this later.”

“But…” She tilted her head slightly and I could tell she was offended. “I—fixed it.”

“Maybe, but for now…” I pointed at the door.

“Fine.” She nodded and left the office.

“Please tell me you’re not upset with her after what she just told you.” Lauren looked at me with concern on her face.

“I don’t know how to feel right now.” I exhaled sharply. “I’m still processing it.”

I want to be furious, but Chrissy isn’t the one I should be mad at right now. She’s just getting the brunt of it.

“This is what I’m going to do…” Lauren leaned forward and started typing. “I’m going to leak this story to the press.”

“What the fuck?” I blinked in surprise.

“Not everything.” She smiled. “I’m going to use the press to our advantage. I’ll drop a few hints—let people know that some explicit footage might exist of you—probably with a stripper to make it sound believable.”

“It’s believable that I’m out fucking strippers? Great. Do you think it’s a good idea to draw attention to this?” I felt a little concern rise up in my throat.

“This is the best way to find out if anyone else has the footage. Trust me, the reporters will be all over this—because I’m going t

o suggest Ricky Bonds might be in the footage too.” She chuckled. “That will definitely get their attention.”

Tags: Kelli Callahan Erotic