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“I told you, I was here for both. Excuse me,” I said, inching my way in front of her until I walked down the aisle, Quinn staring at me with her wide, light brown eyes.

Another shot rang out, and this time, the bullet tore into Brian’s shoulder and spattered blood all over her white gown. She screamed and tried to go to him, but Heaven held her back while Grayson held Brian.

Father stood there, reciting something out of the bible for demons. That wouldn’t work on me.

I was the devil.

“You look stunning, Quinn.” I bent down and kissed her cheek. She gasped, unable to form words. Tears ran down her face, and I kissed them away too, drinking her down like a parched man that had been denied of water.

I turned my attention to Brian, the pathetic excuse of a man. He was crying. A bumbling mess on his knees as the blood dripped from his wound. I bent down and gripped his chin with my fingers, hating him even more than I thought was possible.

“What are you doing?” Quinn yelled at me.

I looked over my shoulder, seeing the mascara run black trails down her face and smirked. “Taking what is mine.”

And it wasn’t Quinn.

It was vengeance.

Chapter One


Jaxon freaking Steel.

Ruining the damn day like he always did.

Seeing him hurt too. He was devastatingly, dangerously handsome, even more so after all these years. He had changed. Prison, as odd at it sounded, treated him...well. I shouldn’t notice that on my wedding day, but it was impossible not to. He was bigger, taller, and had tattoos everywhere. He had a darkness that surrounded him, a power that made my knees quiver, and my stomach flip. It reminded me of the time we dated when we were teens, but it was more intense; he wasn’t an unsure boy; he was a man that knew what he wanted.

That took what he wanted.

Was that what he was doing? He thought he could swoop in after all these years and object at my wedding, and I'd fall at his feet? He murdered his sister— his pregnant sister. It took Brian years to get over Tracy’s death and the death of his unborn child.

“How dare you?” I spat, doing my best to wiggle from the stranger’s grasp. “Let me go!” I tried to get to Brian, the man I was pretty sure I loved, but the grasp the man had on me was too tight. “Brian, baby, are you okay? Please, talk to me,” I begged.

My begging got the attention of Jaxon, his face sculpted from the flames of hell as he stared at me. God, his eyes were pools of inky black, pure sin, and bad intentions, and I could lose myself in them all over again if I wasn’t careful.

And if I were stupid.

I refused to be stupid over Jaxon Steel ever again.

Jaxon tsked and sighed as if exhausted and annoyed by the situation. “She doesn’t know, does she? How much of a scum bag you really are?”

“She has nothing to do with this,” Brian spat, his forehead shining with sweat as he hung his head.

Jaxon yanked Brian’s head back by his hair and leaned down, bringing his face close to Brian’s. “She has everything to do with this,” Jaxon sneered. “Does she know about all your lies? Because I do.”

“Lies? What lies?” I asked. “Please, someone tell me what is going on.”

“Like she’ll ever believe you,” Brian chuckled, a menacing sound I had never heard from him before. “You killed her sister, remember?”

Jaxon straightened and glanced to the guy behind Brain who held him down and nodded. The guy lifted his gun in the air and brought it down on Brain’s head.

“No!” I screamed, doing my best to yank away from the hold on me again, but it was useless. “Why did you do that? What do you want from me?” I screamed, and something moving out of the corner of my eye had me turning my head.

A lady in pink. Someone I didn’t know.

“Help me,” I said softly, unable to find my voice.

Tags: Kelli Callahan Underground Kings Erotic