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“Thank you. And may I add, you look lovely.” I gave the old gem my most charming smile, and she slapped my arm, blushing. She wore a simple light pink dress with low nude heels and had pearls around her neck. Her grey hair was curled and poufy, and she had large pink earrings clasped on her lobes.

“Oh, aren’t you sweet,” she smiled. “My Henry, God rest his soul, loved me in the color pink, so I always wear it in his memory.”

“Well, he was a smart man. Pink is your color.”

She giggled, and the aged sound made me grin. “You’re trouble, aren’t you? Just a rascal.”

“Maybe a little,” I said, holding up two fingers to show a tiny space. “What’s your name?” I asked her. I wanted to make sure she got out of here when the chaos started.

“Ingrid and you, young man? You know, my neighbor is quite lovely. She’s single.”

“Jaxon. And if she is anything like you, I'm sure she is.”

“Oh,” she shook her slender, wrinkled finger at me. “You’re trouble.”

You have no idea.

We sat in silence after that on the hard-uncomforted pews that were older than Ingrid. The Holy Bible sat on the shelf that was attached to the back of the seat in front of us, and it mocked me, trying to make me feel bad for what I was about to do.

The music started and everyone stood. I helped Ingrid to her feet, and she gave me a grateful smile. “Are you here for the bride or groom?” she whispered as the bridesmaids walked down the red-carpeted aisle.

“Both.” I made sure to keep my voice low and my body hidden behind Ingrid, as much as it could be, so no one saw me.

Here comes the bride.

My heart pounded when the tune started to play. Quinn’s shadow fell across the aisle, and my breath caught. I imagined her like this before; only I was the man at the end waiting. I glanced up, and my world tilted for a moment. Her blonde hair was up in an elegant hairdo, a few curls framed her face, and tiny flowers were strategicall

y placed all over her head. Her dress hugged her body, a strapless silk gown that made her look like more of a goddess than a normal person. It was a simplistic beauty, something no one else could pull off because they weren’t as beautiful as Quinn.

She walked down the aisle, and I watched her face. She wasn’t smiling, and her knuckles were white from clutching the bouquet of red roses and daisies. Her face looked like a porcelain doll, pale pink lips, and long lashes with rosy cheeks. Stunning.

She looked divine.

When she got to the alter, my eyes landed on Brian before we all sat down, and my jaw tightened when I saw his hand take hers. That was supposed to be me, but he ruined my life. I couldn’t wait to do the same to him.

“As we gather here today...”

I tuned out the priest, ignoring everything he said as I stared at Quinn. Her throat bobbed with nerves, and she scratched her collarbone, something she did when she was nervous, and my eyes fell to her breasts that pushed against the gown. Up and down, the perfect sized mounds curved to her neck with every inhale, tightening the gown to her body.

“Does anyone object to this holy matrimony?” he announced. Brian and Quinn scanned the crowd, looking for the person who dared.

It was my time to shine.

I stood and clasped the button of my suit. “I object.”

The crowd gasped, and Ingrid yanked my sleeve, mean-mugging me when I looked down. “I knew you were trouble,” she said.

I winked, and her irritation turned to a wicked grin. I see Ingrid has a little trouble in her too. I knew I liked her.

My eyes landed on Quinn, and she dropped the bouquet when she saw me. A ghost from her past coming back to haunt her. Brian backed away from her when he saw me, heading toward the exist closest to him.

A shot rang out, and everyone screamed, and chaos fell in the holiness of the church.

My specialty.

“I think it’s best you leave, Ingrid.”

“Are you kidding? I’m not missing this.” She straightened her back and watched people run out the doors, women tripping in their high heels, and men not helping them get out.

Tags: Kelli Callahan Underground Kings Erotic