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“I do! I’ve always loved you.” He blinked a couple of times.

“I know how a man looks when he wants a woman.” I grabbed his flaccid cock through his pants. “I don’t even turn you on.”

“Stop it!” He pulled away immediately.

“You’re gay, aren’t you?” I took a step back and started picking up my clothes.

“What!? No, homosexuality is a sin!” He practically roared with rage at my accusation.

“Scott, I was with you for three years. You never once tried to touch me. You never once showed any passion when we kissed. It was like a chore for you. I knew something wasn’t right, but it took me leaving to put the pieces together.” I started putting my clothes back on as I spoke.

“I was following God’s plan. Things would have been different after we were married.” He started trembling as the initial rage wore off. “God was going to reward me once we said our vows and pledged our life to him.”

“Your father knows, doesn’t he?” I shook my head back and forth in disgust. “That’s why he’s so desperate to have you marry me. He doesn’t care who you marry, he just needs you to marry a woman before you give in to the temptations that he knows will eventually consume you.”

“There are no temptations. God will give me the desires I’m supposed to have when we’re married.” Scott’s words sounded like he was reading from a script.

“You’re a fool.” I sighed deeply. “We’re both victims here. I’ll marry you, Scott. You don’t have to touch me. In fact, I’d prefer if you didn’t—ever.”

“We have to.” He blinked a couple of times. “How will we have children?”

“Just focus on the wedding for now. We’ll figure the rest of it out together.” I sat down on the edge of the bed. “Please leave.”

“I have something for you.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out my engagement ring. “The pawn shop called your parents when you didn’t pick it up.”

“Just leave it on the table.” I motioned to the table next to my bed.

> REVEREND BURKE HAD the sheriff stop by and put an ankle bracelet on me before my wedding day. I couldn’t believe that Reverend Burke’s influence had even corrupted our law enforcement. The ankle bracelet made sure that if I did try to run again, it would be very easy to find me. The only place I was going was down the aisle to the altar. My wedding dress still fit, and a week after I agreed to marry Scott, I was standing outside his father’s church. They had recreated the wedding I almost had the first time. Everything looked exactly the same.

“I’m proud of you.” My father walked up and took my hand.

“Let’s get this over with.” I wanted to pull away from him, but I had to let him walk me down the aisle.

“You’ll learn to love him. You’ll learn to be a good wife.” My father smiled faintly.

“Is this what you imagined your daughter’s wedding day would look like? You dragging her down the aisle after keeping her prisoner for months?” I looked over at him and saw him swallow hard.

“I’ve learned not to question God.” He looked at me and shook his head.

“Maybe it’s time you questioned him and everything you believe.” I turned towards the aisle when a piano started playing Here Comes the Bride.

“Not today, darling. Today is the best day of your life.” He started walking and pulled on my arm until I was walking beside him.

There was no option for escape. The entire town was poisoned by Reverend Burke. In a way, I wished my eyes had never been opened to it. If I would have married Scott the first time I walked down the aisle, I would have lived my life in loveless bliss. I would have just thought everything was working the way it was supposed to work. That wasn’t the case anymore. I knew what real love felt like and I would never forget the man that showed it to me. Scott smiled nervously as I approached him. I looked up at Reverend Burke and glared at him as I took my place next to his son.

“We are gathered here today...” Reverend Burke began the ceremony and a single tear rolled down my face.

Chapter 12: Cody

“Come on, Cody. You have to go home.” Melinda nudged me back to consciousness and I saw that the main room of Carson’s was empty. “We closed thirty minutes ago. Mr. Carson is going to have them throw you out if you don’t leave on your own.”

“Are you coming with me?” I looked at her with blurry vision and staggered to my feet.

“We tried that already. You couldn’t even get it up.” She shook her head. “Come on, I called a cab for you.”

“I don’t need a cab. I can ride...” I took a step and had to grab the bar for support.

“You can drink yourself to death if that’s what you really want to do, but I’m not letting you kill someone else in the process.” She motioned towards one of the bouncers and he came over to assist her. “You’re too drunk to stand, much less ride.”

Tags: Kelli Callahan Nevada Bad Boys Erotic