Page 9 of The Roleplayers

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“So we do, Miss Hart.” He leaned forward attentively, “Or should I call you ‘Cleopatra’?”

She grinned. “What do you think?” Kayla motioned to her short black wig and white dress. She had searched three costume shops in the city before finally stumbling across a Cleopatra costume she could afford. Even then, it hadn’t been cheap. Kayla was never particularly interested in history and didn’t know much about the woman herself, but hoped that the outfit would impress Bruce.

At the very least, she hoped it would demonstrate that she could keep up with him.

“You look stunning, Kayla,” he smiled. “I love your dress.”

“Thanks. I was hoping you’d say that.”

“What made you decide to dress up?” His eyes kept roaming from her dress to her breasts to her smile to her eyes. He couldn’t get enough of her.

“I wanted to show you that I’m ready, you know, for you. I’m ready to see what you’re all about.” Kayla felt a little shy being so open with him. She’d had boyfriends before, of course, but their relationships had always been very ordinary. They’d been very plain. They’d been, to a certain extent, very superficial.

While she had never considered herself scared of sex or a prude, by any means, Kayla also wasn’t the type of person to blatantly say what she wanted.

And she’d never explored fantasies before.

Not like this.

“It takes guts to do what you’re doing. People are staring and wondering why you’re in costume, but I love it. I love the way you look. I love that you took a chance. It really speaks volumes, Kayla.”

“Thanks. That means a lot. I was actually a little nervous about it.”

“Why would you be nervous? You’re fantastic.”

“This is all still really new to me. You know, the whole ‘kink’ thing.”

“You’ve been with a guy before, right?” He cocked his eyebrow, questioningly. He looked like a cartoon character and she choked back a laugh.

“Yeah, I’m not a virgin or anything like that.”

“Just making sure. I’d hate for your first time to be, well, particularly unusual.”

The waiter chose that moment to show up and pour them each a glass of wine.

“I took the liberty of ordering our drinks before you arrived,” Bruce explained. “I hope red is okay.”

“It’s perfect. Thank you.”

She took a sip of the wine as the waiter recited a list of specials. They both ordered and the server headed off without writing anything down.

“Is he going to remember what we wanted?” She asked, suspiciously. During her high school days as a waitress, Kayla had been notoriously forgetful. Keeping track of which table needed what items had been a nightmare. She was impressed that their current waiter was able to remember. She just hoped she’d actually end up with what she ordered.

“It’s okay,” Bruce assured her. “Henry is my regular waiter. He’s never ruined a meal yet.”

“Good to know.”

“So tell me more about your past sexual experiences.”

Kayla almost spit out her drink.

“Here?” She glanced around the room. It was nice. It was really nice. And it was filled with retirees and nice-looking couples and men in suits.

And Bruce was asking her to spill her guts.

He nodded slightly, watching her, waiting for her response.

And that’s when Kayla realized what he was doing.

Tags: Sophie Stern Erotic