Page 8 of The Roleplayers

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“I’m guessing you haven’t made a decision yet.”

“I don’t know what I want.” Kayla looked around the room. She really led a charmed life. She had an amazing best friend, a loving family, a beautiful house, and a steady job. She had gotten a promotion that she had worked hard for and that she deserved. She had a great paycheck.

The only thing missing was, well, someone to fuck her and love her and call her sweetie.

But was that really what she wanted from Bruce?

Her phone vibrated and they both looked at it. Kayla didn’t pick it up right away.

“It’s probably him,” Anne said gently. She placed her hand on Kayla’s and caught her eye. “It’s okay to be nervous,” she said. “Being with someone new isn’t easy. Trying something you’ve never done before can be scary, but you’re never going to know unless you try.”

Kayla knew that Anne had been with a lot of people: guys and girls. She also knew that Anne would never steer her wrong. The girl had been through a lot in her short life, but she was also always ready to share her life lessons and knowledge of the world with Kayla.

And at this moment, that’s exactly what Kayla needed.

She picked up the phone and opened her messages.

I had a great time last night. Dinner tomorrow?

“What did it say?” Anne asked impatiently.

“He wants to know if I’ll have dinner with him.”

“What are you going to do?”

Kayla punched in a response and set down her phone. With a sneaky grin, she told Anne, “I’m going to go buy a new outfit.”


When Kayla agreed to meet Bruce for dinner, she decided not to show up early. It’s not that she wanted to make him wait or that she wanted to have him under her control. No, it wasn’t that at all.

Kayla wanted to make an entrance.

She wanted to show Bruce that she was ready for what he had to offer and that she was ready to start exploring his world.

She wanted to turn all the heads in the restaurant.

She wanted all eyes on her.

So when she walked up to Lala House, one of the most upscale restaurants in town, she was ready for all of the attention she would be awarded.

“Good evening,” the hostess greeted her, obviously trying not to stare.

“Hello,” Kayla smiled broadly. “I’m meeting Bruce Colyer this evening. He made reservations and may already be here.”

“Absolutely,” the hostess told her. “Mr. Colyer is already at your table. I’ll take you to him.”

Kayla followed the hostess to the table, where Bruce was pouring over a wine menu. Unlike their previous encounter, this time he looked normal. Donning a fantastic suit that brought out the sparkle in his eyes, Kayla tried not to lick her lips. He was luscious.

And then he saw her.

“Mr. Colyer,” the hostess nodded as Kayla slid into her seat.

As the woman disappeared, Kayla wondered what she was thinking. It was probably something about how Kayla didn’t understand propriety or the atmosphere of the restaurant. None of that mattered, though, not now that Bruce was looking at her.

Not now that he was looking at her like that.

“We meet again,” Kayla prompted the conversation, enjoying the fact that he was obviously surprised at her attire.

Tags: Sophie Stern Erotic