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Chapter 13


I yawn, stretching. The morning sun is shining through the windows, which is weird because I just bought those blackout curtains. Then I realize I’m not in my bedroom.

I’m in the living room.

Why am I in the living room?

“Good morning, sunshine,” a familiar voice greets me, and I suddenly sit straight up.


hony!” I screech.

“I prefer Tony,” he says, gently. “But yes, it’s me. Would you like some coffee?”

“What time is it?” I scramble off the couch, completely ignoring the fact that I am naked, it’s the morning after, and Tony is still in my house. Shouldn’t he have gone home or something? Why is he still here? We didn’t even have sex.

Oh shit.

We didn’t even have sex.

Talk about a terrible first date.

Shouldn’t we have had sex? Everything was so perfect and sweet, but then I just fell asleep. Oh, I’m so embarrassed that I don’t even know what to do or where to start. I need to go to work. I’m sure of it. If I don’t hurry, I’m probably going to be late, but right now, I kind of just want to crawl into a hole and die.

I can’t believe I fell asleep on the first date.

He must think I’m such a dork.

“Six,” he says slowly, and I realize he’s showered and is wearing a different suit from yesterday.

“You changed,” I say.

“Yes, that’s what people usually do in the morning,” he says, sitting down in a chair.

“But how? You spent the night. How did you get clothes?”

“Zack was kind enough to drop off a suit for me.”

“Zack knows we spent the night together?” I shriek, grabbing a pillow and covering my face. Tony just laughs.

“I wouldn’t say we spent the night together, but yes, he knows I stayed over. So do Lily and Christina,” he adds. “I had Zack fill them in for accountability purposes. I didn’t want you to feel like I was taking advantage of you, but I also didn’t want to leave you without saying goodbye. You just fell asleep so quickly.”

“I didn’t mean to.”

“That just means you enjoyed the aftercare. I’m glad. I took it as a compliment.”

“I felt safe with you,” I admit.

“You have no idea how happy that makes me.”

Slowly, I lower the pillow from my face and look at Tony. He must think I look hideous. I’m sure my hair is a mess, and I’m still naked, although somehow, I ended up with a blanket, and I’m sure I have him to thank for that.

“Now, how about that coffee?” He asks again.

“I’d love some.”

Tags: Sophie Stern Anchored Fantasy