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If Macie were my girlfriend, I would take care of her. I would protect her. I would help her around the house so she didn’t have so much to worry about. I’d do the dishes and help her with the shopping and everything else she needed.

I’d do anything she needed.

I’d treat her like a princess.

The truth is, though, that we don’t know each other that well. Oh, sure, we’ve gotten to know each other quite a bit this week. We’ve talked a lot on the phone and over text, but there are some things you only learn about someone over time. I don’t want to rush things with Macie because I don’t want to fuck this up.

She’s amazing, and sweet, and I want this thing between us to work.

I head back into the kitchen and call Zack. He answers on the first ring.

“What’s up, brother?”

“I’m at Macie’s.”

He chuckles. “Then why are you on the phone? Shouldn’t you be taking care of your new subbie?”

“She’s asleep.”

“Is that right?”

“We didn’t have sex.”

“No?” He sounds surprised. “May I inquire as to why not?”

“She’s new to all of this, Zack.”

“So was Lily. That didn’t stop Jaxson Thorn from pursuing her.000”

“I don’t want to rush things,” I admit. “And since she fell asleep, I’m not really sure what to do. If we’d been dating awhile, I’d know whether I should go home or stay. I’m worried that if I leave, she’ll feel abandoned. If I stay, she might think I’m creepy.”

“No offense, but have you seen yourself in the mirror? Trust me: the last word she would use to describe you is ‘creepy.’ ‘Soft, loveable teddy bear’? Yeah. ‘Creepy’? Not so much. Sorry to disappoint.”

“So you think I should stay?”

“I think you should take care of your new submissive. I think you should honor her and watch over her. I’ll let Christina and Lily both know you’re there, so Macie will have someone to talk to if she needs it. If for some reason she wakes up and gets upset you’re still there, she can call them and won’t have to waste time filling them in.”

“Thanks. I appreciate it.”

“It’s been a rough week for you, huh?”

“I feel better when I’m with her, Zack. I’m not supposed to feel this way. It’s not supposed to be like this with someone new.”

“That’s how it was with me and Christina, brother. You know that.”

I do.

Christina caught Zack’s attention right away. There was an instant connection between them that didn’t make sense to anyone but them, and it worked. They’ve been married for awhile now, and they’re happy.

Could I have that with Macie?

“I know.”

“I don’t want to sound cheesy,” Zack says slowly. “But don’t let the past hold you back. I know you have a difficult profession, one that probably makes you feel jaded in many ways, but dealing with divorce regularly doesn’t mean you can’t find love.”

“You really think I could find love?”

“Anthony Diamond, I think you already have.”

Tags: Sophie Stern Anchored Fantasy